New Jersey Department of Education

Guidance for Families

It is important for parents/guardians and families to have a role in the education of their child/children. This section of the website provides information to help parents/guardians and families support their children and fully participate in school events and activities. In addition, this website will help parents/guardians and families learn the roles and responsibilities of school districts in educating their children.

The Office of Supplemental Educational Programs strives to provide Mulitlingual Learners (MLs) whose home language is one other than English access to equity and excellence in education. If your child’s home language is a language other than English and your child is identified as an ML, then he or she will be provided with an array of English language programs.

We invite you to learn about the educational programs available for newly enrolled students with home languages other than English who need support in reaching English language proficiency. MLs have unique assets and advantages and have rewarding opportunities ahead of them. The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) values multilingualism and guides districts in providing the best educational setting for your child to develop his or her full language potential.

We hope that you find this information useful and if you need further assistance, please contact your school district or email, the Office of Supplemental Educational Programs.


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