Disease Prevention
- Interim Guidelines for Social Distancing
- Quarantine and Isolation -Model Rules for Local Boards of Health
- FAQ for Evaluating Fever in Travelers Returning from West Africa
- Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Hospitals
- Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Hospitalized Patients with Known or Suspected Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever in US Hospitals
- Guidelines for First Responders and EMS
- FAQ for the Safe Management of Ebola Patients
Educational Materials
- Is it Flu or Ebola?
- Ebola: Am I at Risk?
- Difference between Airborne and Droplet Spread
- West African Phone Home Campaign [French]
- Ebola Information for Friends and Family Returning to NJ from West Africa [French]
- What You Should Know About Hosting A Visitor from West Africa [French]
Disease Reporting
- Case Definition for Ebola Virus Disease
- Interim Guidance for Monitoring and Movement of Persons with Ebola Virus Disease
- Contact Information for Local Health Departments to Report a Suspect Case
Resources and References
- Guidelines for Evaluation of US Patients Suspected of Having Ebola
- Guidance for Schools
- Ebola Information Bulletin for Public Employers
- Recommendations for Universities
- Recommendations for Business Travelers
Outbreak Information
- CDC Questions and Answers on Experimental Treatment and Vaccine for Ebola
- Guidance on Handling Pets That May Have Been Exposed to the Ebola Virus
- New Guidance for Screening and Caring for Pregnant Women with Ebola
Traveler Monitoring
- Interim Ebola Traveler Monitoring Guidelines for Local Health Departments
- Non-Compliance Protocol for Active Monitoring
- NJDOH Protocol for Active Monitoring for Travelers Returning from Ebola-Affected Countries
- NJDOH Flow Chart for Active Monitoring
- NJDOH Addendum to the Protocol for Active Monitoring