Vector-borne Disease Data Dashboard

This dashboard uses interactive data visualizations to display vector-borne disease case data (counts and incidence rates), emergency department visits for tick-related illness, and vector-borne pathogen (germ) data in mosquitoes and ticks.

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Report within 24 hours of Diagnosis to the Local Health Department.

Malaria is a serious illness caused by a parasite that affects the red blood cells. People can get malaria if they are bitten by an infected mosquito in a region of the world where malaria is circulating. People may also get malaria through blood transfusions from infected donors, sharing infected syringes, and rarely, from an infected mother to her baby. Symptoms may include high fever, chills, headache, nausea, vomiting, and sweating. Malaria can be successfully treated and treatment should be initiated as soon as possible. People traveling to areas of the world where malaria occurs should take precautions against malaria infections such as oral preventive drugs and preventing mosquito bites.


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Return to the main vector-borne illness page



Education Materials

NJDOH Education Materials

CDC Education Materials

NJDOH Videos


Laboratory Testing and Guidance

Confirmation and speciation of thick and thin Giemsa-stained blood smears is available at NJDOH Public Health Laboratory (PHEL). Hospitals are encouraged to send questionable blood smears to PHEL along with a completed BACT-109 form


Last Reviewed: 1/29/2025