Healthy New Jersey

Health Care Financing

Report Fraud | Informes del Fraude

To report any suspicion of fraud or fiscal abuse by an individual or a hospital in the Charity Care Program, you may submit an anonymous or signed report to any of the below listed contact points. Please include as much detailed information as possible regarding the identity and circumstances of the individuals and hospitals involved in the suspected fraud.

Informes del Fraude

Para divulgar cualquier sospecha del fraude o del abuso fiscal por un individuo o un hospital en el Programa del Cuidado de la Caridad usted puede someter un informe anónimo o firmado a cualesquiera de los puntos de contacto en la lista debajo. Por favor de incluir la información mas detallada que le sea posible sobre la identidad y las circunstancias de los individuos y de los hospitals implicados en la sospecha del fraude.

Call Us : 1-866-588-5696 (Monday through Friday, 9am - 5pm) |


Email us :



New Jersey Department of Health
Office of Health Care Financing
ATTN: Charity Care Unit - Fraud
55 N. Willow St. 5th Floor
P.O. Box 360
Trenton, NJ 08625


We welcome your questions or concerns regarding fraud, and encourage you to email us (anonymously if you wish) using the form below. If you are reporting a suspicion of fraud, please include as much detailed information as possible regarding the identity and circumstances of the individuals and hospitals involved in the suspected fraud. If you desire a reply or follow-up to your message, please include your name, email address, phone number and / or postal address.

Your Name: E-mail Address:
Phone Number : - - Ext
Mailing Address:
     State:       Zip: 
Please write your message:


Message (required):


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