Our Approach

The New Jersey Health IT Program focuses on five key initiatives:

  1. Helping Healthcare Providers Transition to Electronic Health Records
  2. Promoting the New Jersey Medicaid Promoting Interoperability Program
  3. Supporting Public Health Reporting and Meaningful Use
  4. Connecting through the New Jersey Health Information Network (NJHIN)


Electronic Health Records

EHRs are real-time, patient-centered records. They make information available instantly, "whenever and wherever it is needed". And they bring together in one place everything about a patient's health for the betterment of the patient. More...

Medicaid Promoting Interoperability Program (formerly EHR Incentive Program)

The New Jersey Medicaid Promoting Interoperability Program provides EHR incentive payments to eligible professionals and eligible hospitals as they adopt, implement, upgrade, or demonstrate meaningful use of certified electronic health record (EHR) technology.  More...

Public Health Promoting Interoperability

The New Jersey Department of Health currently is accepting Public Health data from Electronic Health Records (EHR) based on Promoting Interoperability (formerly Meaningful Use) standards and specifications for Public Health data.  More...

New Jersey Health Information Network (NJHIN)

NJHIN will provide the technology infrastructure to facilitate the electronic exchange of patient health information in New Jersey among health information organizations and State health data sources.  More...

Health Information Organizations

New Jersey has numerous regional health information organizations (HIOs) and integrated delivery networks (IDNs) that are all operating to support health information exchange in the State. More...

Last Reviewed: 4/9/2024