Principal Investigator: Tina Fan, Ph.D.
The New Jersey Biomonitoring Program is led by research scientists from the NJDOH, Public Health and Environmental Laboratories (PHEL), Environmental and Chemical Laboratory Services (ECLS). The ECLS biomonitoring team collaborates with:
- NJDOH Consumer, Environmental and Occupational Health Services (CEOHS)
- NJDOH Family Health Services (FHS)
- NJ Department of Protection (NJDEP) Office of Science – Risk Assessment section
- Rutgers University, Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute (EOHSI)
- NJ Poison Information and Education System (NJPIES)
- City of Newark Department of Health and Community Wellness (Newark DOH)
- University Hospital (NJMS)
- Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC)
- Delaware Riverkeeper Network (DRN)
- Johns Hopkins School of Public Health (JHSPH)
- NJDOH Newborn Screening (NBS)
The ECLS team works jointly with CEOHS, FHS, NJDEP, and EOHSI to implement the biomonitoring projects. Other collaborators provide guidance, expertise, historical data, and additional support.