Healthy New Jersey


Vaccine Locations

You can use the application on this page to find vaccine locations for eligible individuals.

Two types of locations are included:

1. Vaccines For Children (VFC): For individuals 18 years of age and younger who:
  • Are Medicaid-eligible (NJ FamilyCare Plan A only), or
  • Do not have any health insurance, or
  • Are underinsured, which means that their insurance does not cover some or all ACIP recommended vaccines (can only receive vaccines at a Federally Qualified Health Center), or
  • Are American Indian or Alaska Native (AI/AN)
2. 317-Funded Vaccine: For individuals 19 years of age and older who:
  • Do not have any health insurance, or
  • Are underinsured, which means that their insurance does not cover some or all ACIP recommended vaccines.

Please note: Some locations may only be offering vaccines to their established patients so please check with the location for additional information.


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