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State of New Jersey Deapartment of Human Services title graphic  
Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services
New Jersey Helps
Reach NJ Addiction Help
Council on Mental Health Stigma
New Jersey Mental Health Cares Hotline
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline   Nacional de Prevencion del Suicidio
National Center for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
New Jersey Housing Resource Center
NJ Family Care
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
The Peer Recovery Warm Line

The Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) serves as the Single State Agency (SSA) for Substance Abuse and the State Mental Health Authority (SMHA) as designated by the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).  The Division oversees the provision of a broad range of community mental health and addiction services throughout the State, and contracts with various entities to provide and support community-based prevention, early intervention, treatment, education and recovery services, including for at-risk and special populations.  It contracts with approximately 320 agencies for a wide range of community mental health services that assist consumers living in the community; and supports and monitors a wide variety of substance use treatment and prevention services providers designed to reduce the misuse of alcohol and other drugs through effective evidence-based treatment.

The Division monitors and participates in the provision of community for quality assurance and improvement, training, program development, evaluation, management, information systems, fiscal and systems planning, and compliance with required assessment and treatment protocols and contract requirements.

The Division coordinates and manages addiction treatment services delivery for criminal justice programs through collaboration with other state entities, including the Administrative Office of the Courts, Department of Corrections and State Parole Board.  It is responsible for the Statewide Intoxicated Driving Program, which schedules individuals convicted of driving under the influence for detention, screening, evaluations, education, and treatment referral and oversees the Intoxicated Driver Resource Centers (IDRCs).

The Division contracts with community agencies to provide screening services in order to reduce inappropriate inpatient or outpatient commitments and avoid unnecessary incarcerations.  The Division designates funds and, with the Department of Health, regulates the provision of mental health services at inpatient units in acute care hospitals known as short term care facilities, as well as the assessment, referral, commitment, and crisis intervention functions of screening centers.

Through the Division's Disaster and Terrorism Branch, the Division works with Federal, State and local emergency management to coordinate and provide disaster crisis counseling.



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