Applicants will also have to demonstrate that their household gross income is at or below $55,000 by providing ONE(1) of the items listed below. Gross income is the total of all wages, salaries, profits, interest payments, rents, and other forms of earnings before any deductions or taxes.
- Joint or individual, most recent (2020/2021) tax return or W2s showing household income at or below $55,000, or
- Paystubs (December 2021 paystub showing year-to-date or paystubs for thelast two months if no year-to-date), or
- Letter from Employer (Optional template available), or
- Award Letter from a Social Service Agency (example - Social Security or Veteran Affairs), or
- Deposit record or bank transaction sheets with total balance for the last 2 most recent months, showing annual income of less than $55,000), or
- Letter from a nonprofit, 501c3 organization that has provided services to the applicant (Instructions here).
Applicants who do not have any of these documents may still be eligible. An application reviewer can assist you identify other ways to demonstrate your annual household income.