Office of Contract Policy and Management

The OCPM is in the Office of Legal and Regulatory Affairs in DHS’ “Central Office”. OCPM is responsible for managing contracting policies that impact all of the contracting departmental components, or Divisions, in DHS. Each departmental component - or Division - manages and processes its own contracts. OCPM develops, promulgates, reviews and monitors policies. OCPM also coordinates various task forces and work groups to bring DHS staff and community providers together to discuss relevant contracting issues and to comment on proposed changes. Another OCPM responsibility is the development of contracting resources for both DHS staff and providers. Go to Contracting Resources for details.

Key Staff
Daniel A. Prupis
(609) 292-3552

James Esposito
(609) 777-2778

Jesenia Frascella
(609) 633-3844
Jenny Wong

Contracting with the Department of Human Services

The Department of Human Services (DHS) contracts with various for profit and not for profit businesses to provide services. DHS has two types of contracts and contracting processes: those for services utilized by the State of New Jersey and those for services of benefit to our clients in the community.

Businesses interested in information on these types of contracts should go to the State of New Jersey website or to the Department of Treasury’s website. 

Contact the Office of Contract Policy and Management

Department of Human Services
Office of Contract Policy & Management
222 South Warren Street
PO Box 700
Trenton, NJ 08625-0700
(609) 633-9611

Request for Proposals (RFPs) are on the DHS website. Check this site frequently to be sure to maximize your time to respond to the request. Also, be sure you meet all of the qualifications.

Regulations are the foundational structure that polices are built on, so they are very important. When regulations are published in the New Jersey Register, anyone may comment if desired. DHS publishes Regulatory notices on the DHS website.

The DHS Service Dictionary is a composite of the service language used throughout the Department of Human Services, with the various services grouped by categories.

The intent of the Dictionary is to promote standardized, uniform language across all of DHS' contracting divisional components, as well as by community providers.

DHS 2016 Service Dictionary 

DHS 2016 Service Dictionary quick reference guide