Department of Transportation

Speed Limits For State Roads

Route NJ 18
(a) The rate of speed designated for the certain parts of State Highway Route NJ 18 described in this subsection are hereby established and adopted as the maximum legal rate of speed:
1. In Monmouth County:
i. In the Township of Wall:
(1) For the northbound direction of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 65 MPH between Route NJ 138 and the Wall Township - Neptune Township corporate line (approximate mileposts 5.38 to 7.27); thence
(2) For the southbound direction of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 65 MPH between the Wall Township -Neptune Township corporate line and 1,735 feet south of Belmar Boulevard (approximate mileposts 7.27 to 5.92) thence
(B) Zone 2: 55 MPH between 1,735 feet south of Belmar Boulevard and Route NJ 138 (approximate mileposts 5.92 to 5.38); thence
ii. In the Township of Neptune:
(1) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 65 MPH between the Wall Township - Neptune Township corporate line and the Neptune Township - Ocean Township corporate line (approximate mileposts 7.27 to 9.86); thence
iii. In the Township of Ocean:
(1) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 65 MPH between the Ocean Township - Neptune Township corporate line and the Ocean Township - Eatontown Borough corporate line (approximate mileposts 9.86 to 13.10); thence
iv. In the Borough of Eatontown:
(1) For the northbound direction of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 65 MPH between the Ocean Township -Eatontown Borough corporate line and 340 feet south of Industrial Way (approximate mileposts 13.10 to 13.14); thence
(B) Zone 2: 55 MPH between 340 feet south of Industrial Way and the Eatontown Borough - Tinton Falls Borough corporate line (approximate mileposts 13.14 to 13.80); thence
(2) For the southbound direction of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 55 MPH between the Eatontown Borough - Tinton Falls Borough corporate line and Industrial Way (approximate milepost 13.80 to 13.26); thence
(B) Zone 2: 65 MPH between Industrial Way and the Eatontown Borough– Tinton Falls Borough corporate line (approximate mileposts 13.26 to 13.10); thence
v. In the Borough of Tinton Falls:
(1) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 55 MPH between the Eatontown Borough - Tinton Falls Borough corporate line and 1,530 feet north of Wayside Road (approximate mileposts 13.80 to 14.79); thence
(B) Zone 2: 65 MPH between 1,530 feet north of Wayside Road and the Tinton Falls Borough - Colts Neck Township corporate line (approximate mileposts 14.79 to 15.90); thence
vi. In the Township of Colts Neck:
(1) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 65 MPH between the Tinton Falls Borough - Colts Neck Township corporate line and the Colts Neck Township - Freehold Township corporate line (approximate mileposts 15.90 to 22.42); thence
vii. In the Township of Freehold:
(1) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 65 MPH between the Colts Neck Township - Freehold Township corporate line and the Freehold Township - Marlboro Township corporate line (approximate mileposts 22.42 to 22.85); thence
viii. In the Township of Marlboro:
(1) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 65 MPH between the Freehold Township - Marlboro Township corporate line and 200 feet north of Old Texas Road (approximate mileposts 22.85 to 29.88); thence
(B) Zone 2: 55 MPH between 200 feet north of Old Texas Road and the Marlboro Township - Old Bridge Township corporate line (approximate mileposts 29.88 to 29.92); thence
2. In Middlesex County:
i. In the Township of Old Bridge:
(1) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 55 MPH between the Marlboro Township - Old Bridge Township corporate line and Birch Street (approximate mileposts 29.92 to 32.97); thence
(B) Zone 2: 50 MPH between Birch Street and Southwood Drive (approximate mileposts 32.97 to 33.52); thence
(C) Zone 3: 45 MPH between Southwood Drive and the Old Bridge Township - East Brunswick Township corporate line, except for a 35 MPH school speed limit, for the southbound direction of traffic only, when passing through the Saint Thomas the Apostle School zone while "35 MPH WHEN FLASHING" signs are operating during recess when the presence of children is clearly visible from the roadway, or while children are going to or leaving school, during opening or closing hours(approximate mileposts 33.52 to 34.98); thence
ii. In the Township of East Brunswick:
(1) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 45 MPH between the Old Bridge Township - East Brunswick Township corporate line and 800 feet north of Naricon Place (approximate mileposts 34.98 to 40.08); thence
(B) Zone 2: 40 MPH between 800 feet north of Naricon Place and the East Brunswick Township - City of New Brunswick corporate line (approximate mileposts 40.08 to 40.26); thence
iii. In the City of New Brunswick:
(1) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 40 MPH between the East Brunswick Township - City of New Brunswick corporate line and 200 feet south of Paulus Boulevard (approximate mileposts 40.26 to 40.86); thence
(B) Zone 2: 50 MPH between 200 feet south of Paulus Boulevard and 2380 feet south of the midpoint of the Commercial Street overpass (approximate mileposts 40.86 to 41.30); thence
(C) Zone 3: 55 MPH between 2380 feet south of the midpoint of the Commercial Street overpass and the City of New Brunswick - Piscataway Township corporate line (approximate mileposts 41.30 to 43.58); thence
iv. In the Township of Piscataway:
(1) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 55 MPH between the City of New Brunswick - Piscataway Township corporate line and 1,000 feet south of Buckingham Drive (approximate mileposts 43.58 to 45.10); thence
(B) Zone 2: 50 MPH from 1,000 feet south of Buckingham Drive to Buckingham Drive (appropriate mileposts 45.10 to 45.30).
Route NJ 18 Collector Roadways
(a) The rate of speed designated for the certain parts of State Highway Route NJ 18 Collector Roadways described in this subsection are designated and adopted as the maximum legal rate of speed:
1. In Middlesex County:
i. In the City of New Brunswick:
(1) Northbound Collector Roadway:
(A)  Zone 1: 45 MPH between 350 feet north of Carpenter Road and 310 feet north of the midpoint of the Route NJ 27 (approximate mileposts 41.17 to 42.35); thence
(2) Southbound Collector Roadway:
(A) Zone 1: 45 MPH between 100 feet north of Richmond Street (Peace Street) and 1214 feet north of Route NJ 172 northbound overpass (George Street) (end of route) (approximate mileposts 42.26 to 41.68).

Last updated date: April 13, 2020 10:28 AM