Department of Transportation

Speed Limits For State Roads

Route NJ 20
(a) The rate of speed designated for the certain parts of State Highway Route NJ 20 described in this subsection shall be established and adopted as the maximum legal rate of speed:
1. In Passaic County:
i. In the City of Paterson:
(1) For northbound traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 45 MPH between Route US 46 and 530 feet south of Edwards Street (approximate mileposts 0.0 to 1.82); thence
(B) Zone 2: 35 MPH between 530 feet south of Edwards Street and 1060 feet north of Edwards Street (approximate mileposts 1.82 to 2.12); thence
(C) Zone 3: 45 MPH between 1060 feet north of Edwards Street and 36th Street (approximate mileposts 2.12 to 2.48); thence
(D) Zone 4: 35 MPH between 36th Street and 9th Avenue (approximate mileposts 2.48 to 2.86); thence
(E) Zone 5: 45 MPH between 9th Avenue and Madison Avenue (approximate mileposts 2.86 to 3.97); thence
NOTE: Between Madison Avenue and Lincoln Avenue, northbound Route NJ 20 is under County jurisdiction (approximate mileposts 3.97 to 4.15).
(2) For southbound traffic:
Between Lincoln Avenue and 24th Street, southbound Route NJ 20 is under County jurisdiction (approximate mileposts 4.15 to 3.94); thence
(A) Zone 1: 25 MPH between 24th Street and 25th Street (approximate mileposts 3.94 to 3.82); thence
(B) Zone 2: 45 MPH between 25th Street and 9th Avenue (approximate mileposts 3.82 to 2.86); thence
(C) Zone 3: 35 MPH between 9th Avenue and 36th Street (approximate mileposts 2.86 to 2.48); thence
(D) Zone 4: 45 MPH between 36th Street and 42nd Street (approximate mileposts 2.48 to 2.18); thence
(E) Zone 5: 35 MPH between 42nd Street and 650 feet north of Overlook Avenue (approximate mileposts 2.18 to 1.66); thence
(F) Zone 6: 45 MPH between 650 feet north of Overlook Avenue and Route US 46 (end of route) (approximate mileposts 1.66 to 0.0);

Last updated date: April 14, 2020 10:53 AM