Department of Transportation

Speed Limits For State Roads

Route US 22
(a) The rate of speed designated for the certain parts of State Highway Route US 22 described herein below shall be and hereby is established and adopted as the maximum legal rate of speed thereat:
1. In Warren County:
i. In the Town of Phillipsburg:
NOTE: Route US 22 from mileposts 0.0 to 0.14 (vicinity of North Main Street) is under the jurisdiction of the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission (DRJTBC).
(1) For eastbound traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 35 MPH between the DRJTBC-NJDOT jurisdictional line (vicinity of North Main Street) and Bates Street, except for 25 MPH in the Phillipsburg High School zone, during recess or which children are going to or leaving school, during opening or closing hours (approximate mileposts 0.14 to 1.08); thence
(B) Zone 2: 40 MPH between Bates Street and the Phillipsburg Town-Lopatcong Township corporate line (approximate mileposts 1.08 to 1.48); thence
(2) For westbound traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 40 MPH between the Phillipsburg Town-Lopatcong Township corporate line and the DRJTBC-NJDOT jurisdictional line (vicinity of North Main Street), except for 25 MPH in the Phillipsburg High School zone, during recess or which children are going to or leaving school, during opening or closing hours (approximate mileposts 1.48 to 0.14); thence
ii. In the Township of Lopatcong:
(1) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 45 MPH between the Phillipsburg Town-Lopatcong Township corporate line and Route 57 (approximate mileposts 1.48 to 2.07); thence
(B) Zone 2: 50 MPH between Route NJ 57 and the Lopatcong Township-Pohatcong Township corporate line (approximate mileposts 2.07 to 3.25); thence
iii. In the Township of Pohatcong:
(1) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 50 MPH between the Lopatcong Township-Pohatcong Township corporate line and the Pohatcong Township-Greenwich Township corporate line (approximate mileposts 3.25 to 4.85); thence
iv. In the Township of Greenwich:
(1) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 50 MPH between the Pohatcong Township-Greenwich Township corporate line and Route 173 (approximate mileposts 4.85 to 4.93); thence
(B) Zone 2: 55 MPH between Route 173 and Interstate I-78 (approximate mileposts 4.93 to 5.07); thence
NOTE: Route US 22 (approximate mileposts 5.07 to 19.25) coincides with Interstate I-78 (approximate mileposts 4.16 to 18.46). See I-78 traffic regulations for speed limits.
2. In Hunterdon County:
i. In the Township of Clinton:
(1) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 55 MPH between Interstate I-78 and the Clinton Township-Lebanon Borough corporate line (approximate mileposts 19.25 to 21.05); thence
(B) Zone 2: 55 MPH between the Lebanon Borough-Clinton Township corporate line and the Clinton Township-Readington Township corporate line (approximate mileposts 22.28 to 23.54); thence
ii. In the Borough of Lebanon:
(1) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 55 MPH within all corporate limits (approximate mileposts 21.05 to 22.28); thence
iii. In the Township of Readington:
(1) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 55 MPH within all corporate limits (approximate mileposts 23.54 to 28.59); thence
3. In Somerset County:
i. In the Township of Branchburg:
(1) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 55 MPH within all corporate limits (approximate mileposts 28.59 to 30.83); thence
ii. In the Township of Bridgewater:
(1) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 55 MPH within all corporate limits (approximate mileposts 30.83 to 38.42 and 39.01 to 39.70); thence
iii. In the Borough of Bound Brook:
(1) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 55 MPH within all corporate limits (approximate mileposts 38.42 to 39.01); thence
iv. In the Township of Green Brook:
(1) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 55 MPH between the Bridgewater Township-Green Brook Township corporate line and Washington Avenue (approximate mileposts 39.70 to 42.16); thence
(B) Zone 2:  50 MPH between Washington Avenue and the Green Brook Township-North Plainfield Borough corporate line (approximate mileposts 42.16 to 42.93); thence
v. In the Borough of North Plainfield:
(1) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 50 MPH within all corporate limits (approximate mileposts 42.93 to 46.32); thence
vi. In the Borough of Watchung:
(1) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 50 MPH within all corporate limits (approximate mileposts 46.32 to 47.02); thence
4. In Union County:
i. In the Township of Scotch Plains and the Town of Westfield:
(1) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 50 MPH within all corporate limits (approximate mileposts 47.02 to 49.14); thence
ii. In the Borough of Mountainside:
(1) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 50 MPH between the Scotch Plains Township-Town of Westfield-Mountainside Borough corporate line to New Providence Road (approximate mileposts 49.14 to 50.16); thence
(B) Zone 2: 45 MPH between New Providence Road and the Mountainside Borough-Springfield Township line (approximate mileposts 50.16 to 51.60); thence
iii. In the Township of Springfield:
(1) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 45 MPH within all corporate limits (approximate mileposts 51.60 to 52.94); thence
iv. In the Township of Union and the Borough of Kenilworth:
(1) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 45 MPH within all corporate limits (approximate mileposts 52.94 to 56.51); thence
v. In the Township of Hillside:
(1) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 45 MPH within all corporate limits (approximate mileposts 56.51 to 58.40); thence
5. In Essex County:
i. In the City of Newark:
(1) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 45 MPH within all corporate limits from the Hillside Township-Newark City corporate line to the end of US 22 (approximate mileposts 58.40 to 60.53).
(b) In accordance with the provisions of chapter 100, Laws 1960, 45 MPH is hereby adopted and established as the maximum legal rate of speed for trucks of a registered weight of 10,000 pounds and over, for those parts of State Highway Route US 22 described in this subsection where the maximum legal rate of speed previously established in subsection (a):
1. In Somerset County:
i.  In the Townships of Bridgewater and Green Brook, the Boroughs of Bound Brook, North Plainfield and Watchung:
(1) For truck traffic in both directions:
(A) Zone 1: 45 MPH between the intersection of State Highways Route US 22 and Route US 202-US 206 in Bridgewater Township, and extending through Bound Brook Borough, Green Brook Township, North Plainfield Borough, and Watchung Borough (approximate mileposts 33.88 to 47.02); thence
2. In Union County:
i. In the Township of Scott Plains, Town of Westfield, and the Borough of Mountainside:
(1) For truck traffic in both directions:
(A) Zone 1: 45 MPH between the Watchung Borough-Scott Plains Township corporate line and extending through the Town of Westfield to a point 350 feet west of the intersection of New Providence Road in the Borough of Mountainside (approximate mileposts 47.02 to 50.09) ; thence
i. In the Township of Springfield:
(1) For truck traffic in both directions:
(A) Zone 1: 45 MPH between a point 500 feet east of the Mountainside Borough-Springfield Township corporate line and the Springfield Township-Union Township corporate line (approximate mileposts 51.69 to 52.94); thence
iii. In the Township of Union:
(1) For truck traffic in both directions:
(A) Zone 1: 45 MPH between the Springfield Township-Union Township corporate line and a point 500 feet west of the intersection of Springfield Run (approximate mileposts 52.94 to 53.34); thence
3. In Essex County:
i. In the City of Newark:
(1) For truck traffic in both directions:
(A) Zone 1: 45 MPH between a point 500 feet east of the Lehigh Valley Railroad underpass and a point 400 feet west of the intersection of Meeker Avenue (approximate mileposts 58.35 to 59.25)
Route US 22 Service Road
(a) The rate of speed designated for the certain parts of State Highway Route US 22 Service Road described in this subsection is designated and adopted as the maximum legal rate of speed:
1. In Somerset County:
i. In the Township of Bridgewater:
(1) For the One-Way (eastbound) direction of the Route US 22 Service Road:
(A) Zone 1: 40 MPH for its entire length (approximate mileposts 36.82 to 37.44).

Last updated date: December 11, 2020 10:17 AM