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In 2021 New Jersey became the first state in the nation to legislate a One Health initiative. The bill (P. L. 2021, Chapter 117) outlines the goals, responsibilities, and membership of the New Jersey One Health Task Force (OHTF), which is overseen by the New Jersey Department of Agriculture in collaboration with the New Jersey Departments of Health and Environmental Protection.

One Health at NJDA

The NJDA is an ideal home for the OHTF because agriculture stands at the intersection of human, animal, and environmental health, and as a result, the Department already adopts an interdisciplinary approach to a range of topics including emerging and endemic zoonotic diseases, food safety and security, judicious use of antibiotics and pesticides, disaster preparedness and response, farmland preservation, and protection of natural resources.

Task Force Members

Task Force members hail from a range of disciplines relevant to addressing some of NJ’s most pressing human, animal, and environmental health issues. The membership includes three designees to represent the NJ Department of Agriculture (NJDA), NJ Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), and NJ Department of Health (NJDOH), as well as 10 public appointees including physicians, veterinarians, and academic researchers.

Members have expertise in human and veterinary medicine, public health, zoonotic disease, epidemiology, medical research, urban ecology, sustainability, and environmental health.

Task Force Goals

The purpose of the Task Force as outlined in P.L. 2021 , Chapter 117 is to “develop a strategic plan to promote inter-disciplinary communication and collaboration between physicians, veterinarians, and other scientific professionals and State agencies, with the goal of promoting the health and well-being of the State’s residents, animals, and environment.”

Task Force members will develop guidance and recommendations to address NJ’s most pressing One Health issues. The Task Force may also apply for grants to direct research efforts.