Family and Community Partnerships' (FCP) Office of School-Linked Services (OSLS) contracts with private non-profit organizations and school districts to provide prevention and support services for youth in New Jersey’s elementary, middle and high schools.
OSLS’s programs aim to implement prevention and intervention programs that are comprehensive and multifaceted and build on the strengths of young people so they can achieve their educational and life goals.
Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency
Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Initiative
Family Friendly Centers
Parent Linking Program
New Jersey Child Assault Prevention
Newark School Based Health Center
2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline (2NDFLOOR)
Traumatic Loss Coalitions for Youth
The School Based Youth Services Program (SBYSP) is located in host schools and coordinate with existing resources in the community. All youth are eligible to participate and services are provided before, during and after school. SBYSP services include: mental health counseling; employment counseling; substance abuse education/prevention; preventive health awareness including pregnancy prevention; primary medical linkages; learning support; healthy youth development; recreation; and information/referral.
Top ^Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency (PJD) is located in host schools to enhance services and collaborate with SBYSP. All youth enrolled in the host school where they display behaviors that can or have caused them to become involved in the juvenile justice system are eligible to participate. PJD services complement the SBYSP and focus specifically juvenile delinquency prevention strategies and self-regulation skills to prevent juvenile delinquent behaviors that can impede the student’s achievement of their education and life goals. PJD services include case management and counseling services; collaboration with local law enforcement, state and school and community based agencies, drop out prevention, life and coping skills.
Top ^Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Initiative (APPI) is located in host schools to enhance services and collaborate with SBYSP where available. All youth enrolled in the host school where they display behaviors that could lead to an unplanned pregnancy are eligible to participate. Youth involved in the program will gain increased pregnancy prevention skills to support the achievement of their education and life goals. APPI services complement the SBYSP program, where available, and focus specifically on pregnancy prevention skills and knowledge to support the student’s ability to achieve their education and life goals. APPI services include: case management and counseling services; education and awareness groups; linkages to available services and resources; and collaboration with school personnel.
Top ^Family Friendly Centers (FFC) is located in host schools to enhance afterschool programming in elementary and middle schools. FFCs provide constructive academic, recreational, and social enrichment activities to students and their families. All FFC programs emphasize positive youth development, encourage parental participation, and seek to establish partnerships with school and community stakeholders to meet the unique needs of youth and their families.
Top ^Parent Linking Program (PLP) is located in host high schools to enhance services and to collaborate with SBYSP. For expecting and parenting teen mothers and fathers, PLP works to minimize and eliminate barriers to earning a high school diploma. This is accomplished through the development and implementation of programs that strengthen pregnant and parenting teen’s ability and access to complete their education (secondary and postsecondary); improve child and maternal health outcomes; improve pregnancy spacing and reduce the likelihood of repeat teen pregnancies; increase parenting skills for mothers, fathers, and families; strengthen positive young father involvement and co-parenting relationships, as appropriate, decrease intimate partner violence; and raise awareness of available resources.
Top ^New Jersey Child Assault Prevention programs operate in every county, providing educational awareness training and implementing strategies to handle and/or prevent child assault/neglect to children in grades pre-school through twelve, their parents/guardians as well as educators.
Top ^Newark School Based Health Center provides primary medical, dental, and behavioral health care services to students and families (up to age 21). Centers are located in several Newark schools and services are available to members of the school’s surrounding community.
Top ^2NDFLOOR is confidential, anonymous helpline for New Jersey youth between ages 10 and 24. Youth are provided resources and solutions to problems they face at home, school, or play. Youth receive quality service, support, and information from trained counselors, volunteers, and interns. Trained counselors help youth make healthy decisions and find solutions to their worries, such as: peer relationships, bullying, mental health issues, dating, sex/sexuality issues, and more. 2NDFLOOR services include 24/7 helpline; website with an online message board; text support, Youth Advisory Council, and information and referrals.
To learn more about our Suicide Prevention Efforts click HERE.
The Traumatic Loss Coalitions for Youth (TLC) program works to prevent youth suicide and help school and youth communities recover after a traumatic incident. Promoting mental health awareness and healing, TLC’s school curricula includes suicide prevention, intervention, postvention, and trauma response.
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