Guidance Documents Site Remediation Requirements Checklist Site Remediation Requirements Checklist
Introduction and Instructions for UseIn an effort to improve the quality and completeness of submittals made to the Department, and to in turn facilitate Department review, checklists have been developed for each submittal type. All remediation must be conducted in accordance with the Technical Requirements for Site Remediation (Tech Rule), N.J.A.C. 7:26E. The contents of the checklists mirror the requirements included in the rule. The checklists are intended for use by those conducting remediation to double check the completeness and quality of technical documents prior to submittal to the Department. The Department strongly recommends that the appropriate checklist be provided with the submittal. Inclusion of the checklist with the submittal may reduce the Department's review time and thus minimize the Department's oversight costs. For each requirement listed which has been addressed for the subject site or AOC, put a YES in the "Included" column on the appropriate checklist. Note that all requirements included in the Tech Rule must be considered during remediation. However, the Department acknowledges that some requirements may not apply under certain conditions. If a person responsible for conducting remediation believes that a particular provision of the Tech Rule that would normally be applicable does not apply due to site-specific considerations, the person must include in the submittal adequate justification for why that particular requirement was not met. This justification is required whether the checklists are used or not. The justification must identify the specific site conditions upon which the assertion is based and documentation to support the assertion that the provision does not apply. The determination as to whether or not the provision applies to the site shall be made solely by the Department. For any applicable requirement listed which is not addressed for the subject site or AOC due to site-specific conditions, on the appropriate checklist put NO in the "Included" column and note in the "Page #" column the page number where the Case Manager may find justification for why a particular requirement that would normally apply was not met. If the listed item is not required, put NA in the "Included" column. In addition to checklists which summarize requirements for each type of technical submittal, checklists have been developed for the UST and ISRA regulatory programs, remediation agreements and administrative consent orders, as well as for remediation funding source and surcharge requirements. These checklists may also be used as a means to check compliance with the requirements of the applicable regulatory program or oversight document. These checklists may also accompany submittals made to the Department. |
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