Home > About DRBC > Budget > Annual Independent Audits
Annual Independent Audits

According to Section 14.11(a) of the Delaware River Basin Compact

"As soon as practical after the closing of the fiscal year, an audit shall be made of the financial accounts of the Commission. The audit shall be made by qualified certified public accountants selected by the Commission, who have no personal interest direct or indirect in the financial affairs of the Commission or any of its officers or employees. The report of audit shall be prepared in accordance with accepted accounting practices and shalll be filed with the Chairman and such other officers as the Commission shall direct. Copies of the report shall be distributed to each Commissioner and shall be made available for public distribution."

Annual Audits (pdf)

Please Note

  • The DRBC's fiscal year is July 1 - June 30.

  • Prior reports are available for inspection, upon request, at the Commission's West Trenton, N.J. headquarters.