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DRBC & Our Shared Waters Host Tour of Limerick Generating Station
DRBC staff pose for a photo with one of Limerick's cooling towers in the background. Photo courtesy of Constellation Energy.
DRBC staff pose for a photo with one of
Limerick's cooling towers. Photo courtesy
Constellation Energy.

Earlier this month, the DRBC and its Our Shared Waters outreach program hosted local Pennsylvania legislators and several government and NGO partners for a tour of the Limerick Generating Station, a nuclear power facility located in Pottstown, Pa. along the Schuylkill River and owned by Constellation Energy. 

Before the tour, guests were welcomed by Constellation and DRBC staff and learned more about the Limerick facility and the DRBC's role in water resource management. Given that thermoelectric power generation is the largest use of water in the Delaware River Basin this setting was highly relevant.

DRBC staff gave two presentations:

Water and Energy in the Delaware River Basin: An Introduction to the DRBC (pdf; by DRBC Executive Director Steve Tambini, P.E.)

Water and Energy in the Delaware River Basin: Water Use & the Water-Energy Nexus in the DRB (pdf; by DRBC Water Resource Engineer Michael Thompson, P.E.)

The Limerick Generating Station has a DRBC docket (permit) for its water withdrawals and wastewater discharge. The facility is permitted to withdraw up to 58.2 million gallons/day of water, much of which is consumptively used. A flow target at Pottstown ensures flows don't go too low, and a variety of water sources are permitted to be used to ensure water sustainability.

To help improve water quality in the Schuylkill River Basin, the Limerick Generating Station is a founding supporter of the Schuylkill River Restoration Fund, which provides grants to local projects to reduce acid mine drainage, improve stormwater management, implement agricultural best practices and restore streambanks. 

The DRBC thanks Constellation Energy for hosting and giving us a tour of the facility.

We also thank everyone in attendance for taking the time to learn more about the DRBC and water use in the Delaware River Basin.

Learn More:

DRBC's Water Supply and Planning Programs

The Schuylkill River Restoration Fund

Constellation Energy: Limerick Generating Station

Our Shared Waters: A Look at the Delaware River Basin

The Our Shared Waters Program is supported in part by generous grant funding from the William Penn Foundation.

DRBC Executive Director Steve Tambini, P.E., presents to the group. Photo by the DRBC. DRBC Water Resource Engineer Michael Thompson, P.E., presents to the group. Photo by the DRBC. Attendees were broken down into smaller groups to tour the Limerick Generating Station. Photo by Constellation Energy.
DRBC Executive Director Steve
Tambini, P.E., presents to the group.
Photo by the DRBC.
DRBC Water Resource Engineer
Thompson, P.E., presents to
the group.
Photo by the DRBC.
Attendees were broken into smaller
groups to tour the Limerick Generating
Station. Photo by Constellation Energy.