Delaware • New Jersey • Pennsylvania
New York • United States of America
The passing of the Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act in FY06 directed the Secretary of the Army to conduct “at full federal expense, comprehensive analyses that examine multi-jurisdictional use and management of water resources on a watershed or regional scale.” Thus, the Philadelphia District of the Army Corps of Engineers submitted a proposal for a potential project in the Delaware River Basin entitled “Multi-jurisdictional Use and Management of Water Resources for the Delaware River Basin, NY, NJ, PA and DE,” which would primarily address flood risk management and water supply issues. This study was one of five selected nationwide and was funded in the amount of $1,105,000.
The major stakeholders in this project were the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC), U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), National Weather Service (NWS), and the Corps’ Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC).
Report (pdf 5.6 MB)
Appendix A: Water Supply (pdf 155 KB)
Appendix B: Flood Risk Management (pdf 735 KB)
Appendix C: Estuary Inflow Evaluation (pdf 55 KB)
Appendix D: User Supply Fees (pdf 55 KB)
View Report and Appendices as one large file (pdf 6.6 MB)
Copyright © Delaware River Basin Commission,
P.O. Box 7360, West Trenton, NJ 08628-0360
Phone (609)883-9500; Fax (609)883-9522
Thanks to NJ for hosting the DRBC website