Delaware • New Jersey • Pennsylvania
New York • United States of America
- Water Quality: Delaware Estuary
- Water Quality: Non-Tidal Delaware River & Tributaries
- Water Quality: Basin-wide
- Water Resource Planning: Water Supply & Water Use
- Water Resource Operations: Hydrology, Flow Management & Climate Change
- DRBC Basis and Background Documents
Delaware Estuary Aquatic Life Designated Use Study & Related Water Quality Reports
- A Pathway for Continued Restoration: Improving Dissolved Oxygen in the Delaware River Estuary (pdf; September 2024)
- Modeling Eutrophication Processes in the Delaware River Estuary: Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model (pdf; August 2024)
- Modeling Eutrophication Processes in the Delaware River Estuary: Three-Dimensional Water Quality Model (pdf; August 2024)
- Appendices A-K (zip; August 2024)
- Appendices A-K (zip; August 2024)
- Nitrogen Reduction Cost Estimation Study: Final Summary Report (pdf; this report was submitted to the DRBC by Kleinfelder, Inc., in January 2021)
- Report to DRBC on Concentrations of Nutrients and Chlorophyll-a and Rates of Respiration and Primary Production in Samples from the Delaware River Collected in May and July 2019 (pdf; this report was submitted to the DRBC by the Horn Point Laboratory, University of Maryland; revised Sept. 2020)
- Report to DRBC on Concentrations of Nutrients and Chlorophyll-a and Rates of Respiration and Primary Production in Samples from the Delaware River Collected in May and July 2018 (pdf; this report was submitted to the DRBC by the Horn Point Laboratory, University of Maryland; revised Feb. 2019)
- A Review of Dissolved Oxygen Requirements for Key Sensitive Species in the Delaware Estuary (pdf; this report was submitted to the DRBC by the Academy of Natural Sciences in November 2018)
- A Methodology for Evaluating Dissolved Oxygen Requirements of Species in the Delaware Estuary (pdf; this report was submitted to the DRBC by the Academy of Natural Sciences in March 2018)
- Existing Use Evaluation for Zones 3, 4, & 5 of the Delaware Estuary Based on Spawning and Rearing of Resident and Anadromous Fishes (pdf; September 2015)
- Report to DRBC on Concentrations of Nutrients and Chlorophyll-a and Rates of Respiration and Primary Production in Samples from Delaware Bay Collected in May and July 2014 (pdf; this report was submitted to the DRBC by the Horn Point Laboratory, University of Maryland in May 2015; revised Jan. 2019)
- Impact of Aquatic Vegetation on Water Quality of the Delaware River Estuary (pdf; submitted to DRBC by The Academy of Natural Sciences in 1998)
- Dissolved Oxygen Requirements of a "Fishable" Delaware River Estuary (pdf; 1979 Ad Hoc Task Force Report to the DRBC)
- Reducing Microplastics in the Delaware River Estuary (pdf; August 2022)
Contaminants of Emerging Concern
- PFAS Water Quality and Fish Tissue Assessment Study: Year 2 (pdf; March 2024)
- PFAS Water Quality and Fish Tissue Assessment Study: Year 1 (pdf; July 2023)
- PFAS in Surface Water, Sediment and Fish in the Pennsylvania Coastal Zone (Technical report authored by DRBC staff and financed, in part, through a Federal Coastal Zone Management Grant, administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection; pdf; July 2023)
- Temporal Trends of Per‐ and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Delaware River Fish, USA (September 2020 paper authored by DRBC staff published in Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 2021;17:411–421. Full citation: MacGillivray, A.R. (2021) Temporal trends of PFAS in Delaware River Fish, USA. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. 17(2) 411-421)
- Occurrence and Aquatic Toxicity of Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CECs) in Tributaries of an Urbanized Section of the Delaware River Watershed (July 2020 paper co-authored by DRBC staff published in AIMS Environmental Science, (4): 302-319)
- Fate of Triclosan in Tertiary Wastewater Treatment: Chlorination (November 2013 paper co-authored by DRBC staff published in the Water Quality Research Journal of Canada Vol. 48/Issue 4)
- Contaminants of Emerging Concern in the Tidal Delaware River: Pilot Monitoring Survey 2007-2009 (pdf; issued 2012, revised 2013)
- Emerging Contaminants of Concern in the Delaware River Basin: Vulnerability Assessment Preliminary Report (pdf; 2007)
Ambient Toxicity
- Monitoring in Tributaries of the Delaware River for Ambient Toxicity: 2016 Narrative Report (pdf; May 2017)
- Monitoring in Tributaries of the Delaware River for Ambient Toxicity: 2015 Narrative Report (pdf; August 2016)
- Monitoring the Tidal Delaware River for Ambient Toxicity: 2013 and 2014 Narrative Report (pdf; August 2016)
- Monitoring the Tidal Delaware River for Ambient Toxicity: 2012 Narrative Report (pdf; April 2013)
- Monitoring the Tidal Delaware River for Ambient Toxicity (November 2010 paper authored by DRBC staff published in Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 2011;7:466-477. Full citation: MacGillivray, AR, DE Russell, SS Brown, TJ Fikslin, R Greene, RA Hoke , C Nally and L O’Donnell. 2011. Monitoring the Tidal Delaware River for Ambient Toxicity. Integr. Environ. Assess. Manag.: 7 (3) 466-477.)
PCBs and other Toxic Pollutants
- Identification and Assessment of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in Stormwater in the Delaware Estuary (pdf; February 2014)
- Implementation Strategy for Polychlorinated Biphenyls for Zones 2-6 of the Delaware Estuary (pdf 251 KB; July 2013)
- Water Quality Model for Carbon and PCB Homologs for Zones 2-6 of the Delaware River Estuary (pdf; May 2011)
- PCB TMDL for DRBC Zone 6 (Delaware Bay) (pdf; Dec. 2006)
- Revised Calibration of the Water Quality Model for the Delaware Estuary for Penta-PCBs and Carbon (pdf; Sept. 2006)
- Bioaccumulation of PCBs in the Delaware River Estuary (pdf; 2004)
- PCB TMDL for DRBC Zones 2-5 (Tidal Delaware River) (pdf; December 2003)
- Sedimentological and Geophysical Survey of the Upper Delaware Estuary (pdf 4 MB; this October 2003 final report was submitted by the University of Delaware to the DRBC)
- Executive Summary to the Public Hearing Response Document on the Proposed Determination Regarding the Assimilative Capacity of the Tidal Delaware River for Volatile Organics and Toxicity (pdf; 2000)
- Wasteload Allocations for Volatile Organics and Toxicity: Phase I TMDLs for Toxic Pollutants in the Delaware River Estuary (pdf; 1998)
- Study of the Loadings of Polychlorinated Biphenyls from Tributaries and Point Sources Discharging to the Tidal Delaware River (pdf; 1998)
- Implementation Policies and Procedures: Phase I TMDLs for Toxic Pollutants in the Delaware River Estuary (pdf; 1995)
Related to Oil Spills
- Public‐Private Partnership Successfully Test Early Oil Spill Detection Sensor in 2011 in the Tidal Delaware River (pdf; 2012)
- Delaware River and Bay Oil Spill Advisory Committee Report (pdf; 2010 report, DRBC participated in report's development)
Monitoring Reports
- Monitoring Report Covering Developments and Data Collected or Reported during 1999-2003 (pdf; this September 2004 report was prepared by DRBC in cooperation with its Monitoring Advisory Committee)
- Monitoring Report Covering Developments and Data Collected or Reported in 1997 (pdf; 1998)
- Sedimentological and Geophysical Survey of the Upper Delaware Estuary (pdf; this October 2003 final report was submitted by the University of Delaware to the DRBC)
- Status of CBOD20 Wasteload Allocations (pdf; December 2001)
- Development of a Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Model for the Delaware River (prepard by HydroQual, Inc. for the DRBC; pdf; 1998)
- Development of a Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Model for the Delaware River: Appendices A & B (prepard by HydroQual, Inc. for the DRBC; pdf; 1998)
Special Protection Waters
- Existing Water Quality Atlas of the Delaware River Special Protection Waters (September 2016)
- Lower Delaware River Special Protection Waters Assessment of Measurable Changes to Existing Water Quality (August 2016)
- Eligibility Determination Reports for DRBC's Designation of the Lower Delaware River as Special Protection Waters (SPW)
Aquatic Species/In-Stream Needs
- Growth and Survival of Caged Mussels in the Non-Tidal Delaware River (pdf 588 KB; 2022)
- Freshwater Mussel Community Composition and Relative Abundance in the Lower Delaware River (pdf 691 KB; 2014)
- Pilot Study: Implementation of a Periphyton Monitoring Network for the Non-Tidal Delaware River (pdf 1.7 MB; 2007)
- Delaware River Rooted Aquatic-Plant Biomass Study from Port Jervis, N.Y. (Route 84 Bridge) to Milford, Pa. (Route 206 Bridge) (pdf 4 MB; 1999)
Natural Gas Development
- Pre Natural Gas Drilling: Baseline Monitoring Report for the Delaware River (pdf 3.4 MB; 2017)
- Monitoring for Baseline Radiochemistry before Natural Gas Development in the Delaware River Basin (pdf 828 KB; 2015)
- Toxicity Tests for Baseline Monitoring of Water Quality in Upper Delaware River Basin: Summary Report (pdf 206 KB; 2013)
- Modernized DSS: A Habitat Model for the Upper Delaware River (NJ, NY, PA) (pdf 2 MB; June 2022)
- Pocono Creek Watershed: Framework for Sustainable Management - Final Report (2009)
- DRBC's Compilation and Assessment of Water Column Data Collected in Response to August 2005 PPL Martins Creek Fly Ash Spill (pdf 366 KB; 2006)
- Paradise Creek Watershed Restoration Plan: Phase 1 Technical Report (pdf 2.4 MB; 2005)
- 2001 Lehigh River Water Quality Monitoring Report and Supporting Documents (pdf 4 MB; 2002)
Water Quality Assessments
Water Quality Programs Overview
- Water Quality Programs of the Delaware River Basin Commission (pdf; updated March 2024)
- Impact of Treatment Type on Municipal Wastewater Treatment Effluent Nutrient Concentrations in the Delaware River Basin (pdf 1.2 MB; July 2016)
- Point Discharge Effluent Nutrient Concentrations in the Delaware River Basin: A Preliminary Review (pdf 687 KB; May 2014)
- Delaware Toxics Reduction Program (DelTRiP) Annual Reports (Jan. 2006 and Jan. 2007)
- Revised Procedure for Converting Total Recoverable Water Quality Criteria for Metals to Dissolved Criteria (pdf 59 KB; 1995)
- Revised Aquatic Life Criteria for Lead (pdf 26 KB; 1995)
- Delaware River Creel Survey 2002 (pdf 2.7 MB; 2003 report prepared by Versar, Inc.)
DRBC Water Resources Program
Water Resources Program FY 2025-2027 (pdf; June 2024)
DRBC Water Use Reports
- Water Withdrawal and Consumptive Use Estimates for the Delaware River Basin (1990-2017) With Projections Through 2060 (October 2021)
DRBC Groundwater Reports
DRBC Storage Study
DRBC State of the Basin Reports
DRBC Planning Documents
- Comprehensive Plan (pdf; adopted March 1962) and its Addendum (pdf; adopted July 1962)
- The Delaware River Basin Comprehensive Level B Study (pdf; May 1981)
- Comprehensive Plan (pdf; 2001, updated on an ongoing basis)
- Water Resources Plan for the Delaware River Basin (Basin Plan) (September 2004)
Water Audit Reporting
- A Comprehensive Assessment of the Delaware River Basin Commission's Water Audit Program (2012-2021) (pdf; December 2023)
- Analysis of CY2016 Water Audit Data from Public Water Supply Systems in the Delaware River Basin (pdf; February 2018)
- Analysis of CY2014 Water Audit Data from Public Water Supply Systems in the Delaware River Basin (pdf; February 2016)
- Analysis of CY2012 Water Audit Data from Public Water Supply Systems in the Delaware River Basin (pdf; February 2015)
- Delaware Estuary Regional Sediment Management Plan (This August 2013 report was prepared by the Delaware Estuary Regional Sediment Management Plan Workgroup, of which DRBC is a member.)
- Final Report (pdf)
- Appendices (pdf)
- Enhancing Multi-Jurisdictional Use and Management of Water Resources for the Delaware River Basin: NY, NJ, PA, and DE (December 2008)
- Flowing Toward the Future (pdf; 1999)
Hydrologic Reports
- Weekly Reports (and links to additional hydro data)
- Monthly Data Summary Reports
- Annual Hydrologic Conditions Reports
Drought & Flow Management
- Modernized DSS: A Habitat Model for the Upper Delaware River (NJ, NY, PA) (pdf 2 MB; June 2022)
- An Overview of Drought in the Delaware River Basin (pdf 1.8 MB; February 2019)
- Ecosystem Flow Recommendations for the Delaware River Basin (This December 2013 report was prepared by The Nature Conservancy and submitted to DRBC.)
- Final Report (pdf 6.5 MB)
- Appendices (pdf 840 KB)
- Final Report (pdf 6.5 MB)
- Development and Calibration of a Hydrodynamic Model of the Tidal Rancocas Creek (pdf 781 KB; 2006)
- Strategy for Resolution of Interstate Flow Management Issues in the Delaware River Basin (pdf 5.4 MB; 2004 report prepared for the DRBC by HydroLogics, Inc.)
- Determination of Travel Time in the Delaware River, Hancock N.Y., to the Delaware Water Gap, by Use of a Conservative Dye Tracer (Published jointly with USGS) (pdf 2.2 MB; 1994)
- Good Faith Recommendations (pdf 7.5 MB; 1982)
Flood Mitigation
- DRBC Flood Analysis Model
- Recommendations of the DRBC Flood Advisory Committee for more Effective Floodplain Regulations in the Delaware River Basin (pdf 5 MB; 2009)
- Flood Warning Improvement Recommendations for the Delaware River Basin (pdf 1 MB; 2009 report prepared by NOAA/National Weather Service - Eastern Division)
- Multi-Jurisdictional Flood Mitigation Plan For The Non-Tidal N.J. Section of the DRB (2008)
- DRBC Interstate Flood Mitigation Task Force Final Report/Action Agenda (pdf 6.7 MB; July 2007)
- High Flow Management Objectives for N.J. Non-Coastal Waters (pdf 1.2 MB; 2000)
Climate Change/Sea Level Rise
- Pennsylvania Coastal Resources Management Program: Sea Level Rise and Associated Effects in the Delaware Estuary Coastal Zone (DECZ) (pdf 4 MB; September 2022; prepared by DRBC Water Resource Operations)
These publications are developed by DRBC staff in conjunction with DRBC rulemakings.
PCB Rulemaking
The DRBC approved the PCB criteria revision on 12/4/13. View approved resolution (pdf 20 KB).
- Revised Human Health Water Quality Criteria for Total PCBs for the Protection of Human Health from Carcinogenic Effects (pdf 121 KB; July 2013)
pH Rulemaking
The DRBC approved the pH criteria revision on 12/4/13. View approved resolution (pdf 14 KB).
- pH Criteria Revision Recommendations for Interstate Waters of the Delaware River Basin (pdf 86 KB; March 2013)
Appendix C: EIFAC (European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission, Working Party on Water Quality Criteria for European Inland Fish) 1969. Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish - extreme pH values and inland fisheries. Water Research 3(8): 591-611. Click here to purchase a copy of this article.
Appendix D: Printed copy of USEPA 2012. National Recommended Water Quality Criteria. Published online by the United States Environmental Protection Agency; printed 10-July-2012 (pdf 2.4 MB)
Toxic Pollutants
The DRBC approved the criteria revision on 12/8/10. View approved resolution (pdf 75 KB).
Water Quality Criteria for Toxic Pollutants for Zones 2 - 6 of the Delaware Estuary (pdf 345 KB; July 2010, revised December 2010)
Paper copies of publications may be requested by contacting the commission (a fee for copying and associated labor costs may apply).
Copyright © Delaware River Basin Commission,
P.O. Box 7360, West Trenton, NJ 08628-0360
Phone (609)883-9500; Fax (609)883-9522
Thanks to NJ for hosting the DRBC website