Forms and Templates

Student Application Process for Enrollment

Several forms and templates are available in Spanish so districts can provide both English and Spanish language information for Spanish speaking families.

  • District Choice Program Profile
    Districts can use the profile template to post on their district website. Use the profile to indicate available seats in total and by grade level. The distribution of available choice seats across approved grade levels and programs is entirely up to the district. The district profiles are posted here: Find a Choice District


District Application for Amendment of Interdistrict Public School Choice Program

Choice districts may submit a District Application for Amendment of Interdistrict Public School Choice Program if they would like to:

  • amend the grade levels that choice students may attend,
  • add a new specialized program that choice students can attend, or
  • amend the selection criteria for an existing specialized program that choice students attend.

Any approved amendments will not impact the number of choice seats the Department will approve for the district. Due date: July 31 of the school year prior to student enrollment. 


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