New Jersey Department of Education

The Division of Early Childhood Services is committed to advancing a comprehensive and seamless educational continuum from preschool through grade three (P – 3) in New Jersey’s school districts. Our collated resources reflect current research-based best practices and our efforts to ensure developmentally-informed, rigorous and joyful learning experiences to all children in preschool to third grade.

“P–3 is the term used to define approaches that are intentionally designed to align children’s learning experiences before formal school entry (Preschool) with those in the primary grades of elementary school (K–3). The vision for P–3 approaches is to improve the quality and coherence of children’s learning opportunities, from the experiences children have before they enter the K–12 system and extending through elementary school. Ultimately, comprehensive P–3 approaches hold the potential to improve child outcomes and to prevent or close achievement gaps. - Kristie Kauerz, National P-3 Center

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