Health and Safety Evaluation of School Buildings

The purpose of this evaluation is for the health and safety of students and staff even in the absence of a specific statute or code. The Health and Safety Evaluation of School Buildings Checklist Facilities review is for the evaluation of school buildings including traditional public school districts (owned or leased), private schools for the disabled, charter schools, renaissance school projects and any other school settings. This evaluation checklist must be completed annually by appropriate district personnel and kept on file for inspection or other legal issues. Further, districts must submit the Health and Safety Evaluation of School Buildings Checklist Statement of Assurance annually by January 30. These checklist items cover regulations issued by New Jersey Department of Education, New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, and Occupational Safety and Health Administration. The items listed on the Health and Safety Evaluation of School Buildings Checklist are not mutually exclusive of other findings a monitor/inspector may site.

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