Environmental Health

Reducing Exposures to Hazardous Substances

Tools for New Jersey Schools, Child Care Centers, Residents, and Businesses

Maintaining a healthy environment begins at home. This practice is helpful for everyday choices in ensuring a healthier lifestyle, and especially useful in times of a public health crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic. This webpage provides access to resources for New Jersey residents, schools, child care centers, and communities to assist in reducing exposures to hazardous substances and thus maintain healthier environments.


Drinking Water:



Storm-Related Hazards:


Contaminated Soil:


Sites in Your Community:



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Child Care Centers
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Businesses and Other Establishments
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Additional Tools and Information on Environmental Health
  • The Potential Lead Exposure Mapping (PLEM) website provides a publicly available mapping tool to show potential sources of lead exposure. Currently the tool looks at lead-based paint in housing as a potential source, provides information on distribution of one and two-family rental units built prior to 1980, and details the applicable lead-based paint inspection methodology per the requirements of P.L.2021, c.182.  The tool can be used by local health officers, community groups and other members of the public to help identify potential environmental sources of a child’s lead exposure.

  • Health Community Planning New Jersey (HCP-NJ) is a website jointly developed by the NJ Departments of Health (NJDOH) and Environmental Protection (NJDEP) to assist local community planning activities. The site provides individual, municipal-level reports that offer a snapshot of a municipality’s health and environmental data to help promote a healthy and safe environment. HCP-NJ was developed by NJDOH and NJDEP working in partnership as part of the New Jersey Environmental Public Health Tracking (NJ EPHT) project, with funding from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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Last Reviewed: 1/31/2025