Transitional Housing Program for Homeless Veterans
Our nation and our State, grateful for its hard-won freedom and democracy, owes a special debt to its Veterans. For that reason, the word “Veteran” and the word “homeless” should never appear in the same sentence. Unfortunately, it is a reality. Therefore, it is an imperative that New Jersey works to restore dignity and purpose to those who so unselfishly laid their lives on the line for our country.
The Veterans Transitional Housing Program (Veterans Haven South) is a New Jersey State-operated facility for homeless veterans. After being medically evaluated at a VA Medical Center, eligible veterans must agree to program requirements designed to focus on psychological, social and vocational rehabilitation.
Veterans Haven-South is a program where residents must be willing to maintain their sobriety while enrolled. Random drug and alcohol testing is constantly performed to assist with maintaining sobriety.
VHS Team
Veterans Haven South staff is comprised of diverse professionals specializing in mental health/social services counseling, addictions counseling, vocational rehabilitation counseling and nursing. There is also a 24 hour staff with varied duties to meet the needs of the residents ranging from mentorship to transporting residents for vocational and medical appointments, as well as transporting residents to and from required AA and NA meetings.
Admission Criteria
- Veteran must be homeless.
- Individual must be a veteran under US Department of Veterans Affairs guidelines.
- Veteran must be registered with the Philadelphia VA Medical Center.
- Applicant must be drug and alcohol free at time of admission.
- Provide a negative TB test result within 6 months of admission.
**For Veterans that do not meet these criteria, a limited number of Veterans may still be eligible for admittance under the Grant and Per Diem (GPD) Program.**
Application For Admissions - Online
Application For Admissions - PDF
For admission inquiry please contact:
Veterans Haven South
301 Spring Garden Road
P.O. Box 80
Winslow, NJ 08095
Ph: 609-561-9649
Fx: 609-561-7604

Donor Appreciation Day
Donors across the Garden State visited the heroes they support and were recognized for their kindness, Oct. 15, 2023.
On behalf of VHS, thank you for helping us continue to provide stable housing and support programs for our Veterans year-round!
We appreciate all of our donors and your generosity!

Nall Hall Opens
Veterans Haven South completed Black History Month with the opening of a new internet café/lounge Feb. 28, 2023, Winslow, New Jersey. Brig. Gen. Patrick Kennedy, superintendent, Veteran’s Haven South, hosted the festivities and the grand opening of “Nall Hall” – the Haven’s new internet café/lounge. The new space will offer web access and a rest and relaxation area to Veterans. The café/lounge is dedicated to retired New Jersey Army National Guard Col. Walter R. Nall, the first African American superintendent of Veterans Haven South.

Donation from Egg Harbor Township Elks Lodge
Veterans Haven South received a holiday donation from the Egg Harbor Township Elks Lodge that included sixteen micro-refrigerators and several boxes of new socks. Twenty-two more appliances will be sent to the Veterans Haven during the next six months to keep the spirit of giving alive year round!

Generous Donations
A great week for Veterans Haven South! To assist Veterans Haven South in providing homeless veterans with housing, food, health care, counseling, and vocational assistance, the Hard Rock Casino Hotel presented a $10,000 donation on June 28, 2022, and the Egg Harbor Township Elks Lodge a $1,000 donation on June 30, 2022.
DMAVA truly appreciates each and every donor contribution to improve assistance to our veterans.

Veterans Haven South Receives Donation
Veterans Haven South received a $20,000 donation from American Legion Post 38 in Haddonfield as Pete Hill, post commander, left and Jon Batchelor, past post commander, right presented the check to Steve Ferrari, superintendent. Post 38 and the Camden County Board of Freeholders hosted the 4th Annual Veterans Haven 5K Run and 1 Mile Walk to help end Veterans homelessness at Cooper River Park.
The proceeds of the event will give financial support to Veterans Haven South in Winslow Township, a transitional facility for homeless veterans.