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NJHRC... Where Everyone Can Find A Home!
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Search for your desired type of housing.
Options to search for include:
- Rentals
- For-Sale
- With Accessibility Features
- Temporary Housing
Owners, developers, property managers
or other administrative entities can post
rental units here to stay current with the
Fair Housing Act.
- Register Online to List Housing
- Already Registered? Log In
Need help using NJHRC? Find detailed
instructions here on:
- How to Find Housing
- How to List Housing
State resources are available for housing
assistance. Some resources include:
- Protections Against Discrimination
- Rental Assistance
- Homelessness and Eviction Prevention
- Home Energy Assistance
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Featured News
Threatened by housing loss due to the COVID-19 Crisis? NJHMFA’s Foreclosure Mediation Assistance Program has been expanded.
NJHMFA is expanding its Foreclosure Mediation Assistance Program (FMAP) to include pre-foreclosure counseling. Receive housing counseling services from an experienced HUD certified counselor free of charge.
Services may include budget repair, creating an action plan for avoiding foreclosure, information on federal and local assistance, help negotiating with your Lender and, if served with foreclosure, advocating on your behalf in mediation.
New Guidance for Listing Affordable Units
In recent years, housing costs in New Jersey have increased dramatically at rates that have outpaced rises in income. To address the Statewide shortage in affordable housing, tens of thousands of affordable housing units have been and will be made available to very low-, low-, and moderate-income families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities in New Jersey, including those implemented under the "Fair Housing Act."