Department of Transportation

clean up nj graphic

Adopt-A-Highway Litter Removal Program

The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) offers a volunteer beautification program to public-spirited citizens through its Adopt-A-Highway Program.

NJDOT is recommitting its efforts to reverse, rehabilitate and restore the beauty, natural resources and the sense of pride that has long defined "The Garden State". NJDOT is proud to partner with the New Jersey Clean Communities Council in the re-institution of the Adopt-A-Highway Litter Removal Program. Through this renewed effort which includes other state agencies, local government, our business communities and the great citizens of New Jersey, we can make measurable strides in improving the environmental quality of life in New Jersey.

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The Adopt-A-Highway Litter Removal Program offers volunteers an opportunity to clean up litter on New Jersey state highways. This public-spirited program extends the effectiveness of NJDOT's ongoing effort to make state highways cleaner and more attractive and at the same time control the growing cost of litter removal.

Through volunteer cleanup on state highways, Adopt-A-Highway Litter Removal Program participants can raise public awareness of each person's responsibility for roadside litter.

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NJDOT will install an Adopt-A-Highway sign on the section of state highway that your group chooses to clean up. A name placard will be placed below the sign identifying the individual or groups maintaining the particular section of highway.

For more information on adopting sections of highway near your home or workplace, contact the New Jersey Clean Communities Council.

Last updated date: August 16, 2019 12:18 PM