Department of Transportation


New Jersey Rail Freight Assistance Program

The New Jersey State Rail Freight Assistance Program supports the preservation, rehabilitation and enhancement of New Jersey's freight railroad network, and details projects that have been applied for under the current State Fiscal Year, as well as projects submitted in prior years. All of the projects in the report meet the requirements for funding as established in N.J.A.C. 16:53C (pdf).

The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) solicits proposals for new rail projects annually. Those that meet the minimum criteria are entered into the program. Then NJDOT selects those it will be able to fund in the current fiscal year and those that it will consider for funding within the next two years.

Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 16:53C (pdf), NJDOT will be scheduling a Public Meeting to present the projects eligible for inclusion in the New Jersey State Rail Freight Assistance Program for Fiscal Year 2014 and to provide opportunity for public comment about the proposed updates.

State Fiscal Year Update Reports of the New Jersey Rail Freight Assistance Program:

The program to increase rail freight serves all railroads operating in New Jersey. It continues to be a major factor in supporting short line viability, providing choices in transportation for New Jersey businesses and reducing truck traffic on our highways.

In addition, New Jersey has participated with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, neighboring states and railroads in projects of regional importance.

Express Rail
The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey is making significant investments to increase rail capacity at Port Elizabeth and Newark. The improvements have already tripled the capacity for on-dock rail service, and the Authority is continuing to increase rail capacity at the port to handle the ever-increasing number of containers.

North Jersey Development Plan
This ongoing program is a public-private partnership among the State of New Jersey, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Conrail, Norfolk Southern Corporation and CSX Transportation to construct a series of improvements in support of improving rail service to Port Newark and Port Elizabeth. Phase 1 projects, costing over $50 million include improvements to signal systems, rail yards, and the restoration of double track on the Lehigh Line.

Last updated date: August 7, 2019 10:04 AM