
State Agriculture Retention and Development Act
Right to Farm Act 

Garden State Preservation Trust Act 

Preserve New Jersey Act

State Transfer of Development Rights Act

State Transfer of Development Rights Bank Act


Rules -- N.J.A.C. 2:76, State Agriculture Development Committee

The SADC's rules are listed below by subchapter. To access the current rule text via LexisNexis:

1. Visit
2. Click on "I Agree" on the N.J. Administrative Code page.
3. Click on the plus sign next to Title 2: Agriculture.
4. Click on the plus sign next to Chapter 76: State Agriculture Development Committee
5. Click on the plus sign next to the Subchapter.
6. Click on the provision you would like to open.

Subchapter 1  Agricultural Development Areas
Subchapter 2  Right to Farm
Subchapter 2A  Agricultural Management Practices: Generally Accepted Operations and Practices
Subchapter 2B  Supplemental Agricultural Activities
Subchapter 3  Creation of Farmland Preservation Programs
Subchapter 4  Creation of Municipally Approved Farmland Preservation Programs
Subchapter 5 

Soil and Water Conservation Project Cost-Sharing

Subchapter 6  Acquisition of Development Easements
Subchapter 7  Review of Non-Agricultural Development Projects in Agricultural Development Areas
Subchapter 8  Acquisition of Farmland in Fee Simple
Subchapter 9  Emergency Acquisition of Development Easements
Subchapter 10  Appraisal Handbook Standards
Subchapter 11  Committee Acquisition of Farmland Development Easements
Subchapter 12  Nonprofit Acquisition Projects: Project Eligibility, Conditions and Limitations
Subchapter 13  Nonprofit Acquisition Projects: Application Process
Subchapter 14  Nonprofit Acquisition Projects: Award Criteria
Subchapter 15  Nonprofit Acquisition Projects: Determination of Eligible Land Cost
Subchapter 16  Nonprofit Acquisition Projects: Project Agreement, Negotiations for Purchase of Project Site, Disbursements, Accounting and Recordkeeping Requirements
Subchapter 17  County Planning Incentive Grants
Subchapter 17A  Municipal Planning Incentive Grants
Subchapter 18  Agricultural Mediation Program
Subchapter 19  Valuation of Development Easements in the Pinelands Area
Subchapter 20  Farmland Stewardship Program
Subchapter 21  Administrative Grants to Counties
Subchapter 22   Special Permit for Commercial Nonagricultural Activity on Preserved Farmland
Subchapter 22A Special Permit for Rural Microenterprises on Preserved Farmland--Historic and Cultural Character and Heritage Preservation Provisions
Subchapter 23  Special Permit for Installation of Personal Wireless Facility on Preserved Farmland
Subchapter 24 Solar Energy Generation on Preserved Farms
Subchapters 25 through 26 Reserved
Subchapter 27 Winery Special Occasion Events on Preserved Farmland
Rules -- N.J.A.C. 2:77, Transfer of Development Rights

The Transfer of Development Rights rules are listed below by subchapter. To access the current rule text via LexisNexis:

1. Visit
2. Click on "I Agree" on the N.J. Administrative Code page.
3. Click on the plus sign next to Title 2: Agriculture.
4. Click on the plus sign next to Chapter 77: Transfer of Development Rights
5. Click on the plus sign next to the Subchapter.
6. Click on the provision you would like to open.

Subchapter 1  General Provisions
Subchapter 2  Interpretations and Definitions
Subchapter 3  Standards for Board's Purchase of Development Potential, Issuance of Matching Funds for Purchase of Development Potential, and Guarantee of Loans
Subchapter 4 Registry of Development Potential Credits
Subchapter 5  Purchase of Development Potential
Subchapter 6  (Reserved)
Subchapter 7 

Planning Assistance Grants

Subchapter 8  Appraisal Handbook Standards
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Policies - Farmland Preservation

P-3-C Property Surveys
P-5-A Payment of Cost-Share Grants to County Agriculture Development Boards for Eligible Ancillary Costs
P-6-C Appraiser Selection and Retention Guidelines
P-8 Preparing Recordable Agreements


Prioritization of Project Areas and Individual Applications

P-23A Valuation of Permitted Exceptions
P-30-A Division of Permanently Preserved Farmland
P-31 Exercising a Residual Dwelling Site Opportunity
P-32 Interpretation of the Deed of Easement Restrictions
P-34 Pesticide Re-registration Trials on Restricted Farmland
P-35 Processing Closing Documents for the Purchase of a Development Easement on Farmland
P-38 Prioritization of Planning Incentive Grant Project Areas and Applications
P-39 Valuation of Development Easements in the Pinelands
P-41 Access to Exception Areas
P-46 SADC Cost Share Funding on Interest in Land Acquired Through the Use of Condemnation
P-47 Highlands Appropriation Expenditures
P-48 Soil and Water Conservation Project Cost-Sharing Program, State Cost-Share Funding and Application Prioritization
P-49 Placement of Septic Systems to Service Residential and Agricultural Uses Located on Exception Areas (effective 9/27/07)
P-50 Transition From Existing Farmland Preservation Program Rules To New And Amended Rules Governing Farmland Preservation Program Procedures
P-51  Construction of Stormwater Management Facilities to Service Residential and Agricultural Uses Located on Exception Areas
P-52 Updating Certified Market Values for County Planning Incentive Grant (PIG), Municipal PIG and Non Profit Applications where the Easements or Fee Simple titles have been pre-acquired and the Applications Could Not Receive SADC Final Approvals and Cost Share Grant Commitments Due to Funding Shortfalls
P-53 Farmland Stewardship Wildlife Fencing Program
P-54 Payment of Cost Share Grants for Eligible Expenses Associated With Municipal and Nonprofit Preservation Applications
P-55 SADC Grants to Counties and Municipalities for Developing Comprehensive Farmland Preservation Plans
P-56 Interim Policy for applications pending adoption of the Statewide Farmland Preservation Formula

Policies - Right to Farm

P-2-A Site Specific Agricultural Management Practice Determination and Conflict Resolution Public Hearing Guidelines for CADBs
P-3 (PDF)
P-3 (Word)
Guidelines for the Development and Recommendation of Site-Specific Agricultural Management Practices ("AMPs") by CADBs
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