Cannabis Regulatory Commission

New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission proposes updated rules

New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission proposes updated rules

Public invited to weigh in during the comment period ending September 30


TRENTON – The New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission has submitted updated rules for the state’s personal-use cannabis market for public comment. New Jersey residents are being invited to give their feedback on the proposed rules up to Friday, September 30, 2022.

The rules, which amend the initial regulations adopted by the NJ-CRC in August 2021, establish licensing instructions for cannabis wholesale, distribution, and delivery businesses. They also clarify the working space for microbusinesses to exclude the square footage of bathrooms, enshrine the adopted Universal Symbol, and simplifiy labeling requirements for cannabinoids to ensure consumers can make informed choices.

To further ensure the safety of consumers, the rules also require cannabis retailers to provide safe-use information to customers and require them to keep detailed records of products’ movement through the sales process.

Other industry factors covered in the proposed updated rules include waste management, advertising and promotion, and violations and penalties.

The CREAMM Act requires the Commission’s 2021 rules be adopted, amended, or readopted prior to their expiration on August 19, 2022.  With the notice of proposed readoption, the expiration date is extended to February 15, 2023. Public input collected during the 60-day comment period may have effect on the rules as they are currently written.

The full language of the rules and the link to register feedback are available on the agency’s website.

The New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission establishes and enforces the rules and regulations governing the licensing, cultivation, testing, selling, and purchasing of cannabis in the state.

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