Cannabis Regulatory Commission

NJ-CRC approves proposed rules for cannabis consumption areas

In the December 2, 2022 public meeting, the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission voted to approve proposed rules for how public cannabis consumption areas will be operated.

The rules provide the legal requirements for cannabis consumption areas, a fee structure for applications, and details for how the facilities should be run and what is prohibited.

Commission Chairwoman Dianna Houenou sees the availability of public cannabis consumption areas as part of the Commission’s commitment to equity, justice, and public health. “Equitable access to cannabis means everyone who wishes to consume has some place they can do that – legally, safely, and responsibly. When regulated properly, cannabis consumption areas can strengthen the industry, while giving people more choices on where they consume.”

The proposed rules will appear in the New Jersey Register, then will be open for public comment for 60 days.  They will then need to be adopted and a Notice of Applications Acceptance issued before existing medicinal and recreational cannabis dispensaries can apply to expand their facilities to allow onsite consumption. 

During the meeting the Commission also adopted a Code of Ethics for the agency, awarded 113 conditional licenses and eight annual licenses, and approved six conversions of conditional to annual licenses.  The schedule for the Commission’s public meetings for 2023 was also adopted.

The New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission establishes and enforces the rules and regulations governing the licensing, cultivation, testing, selling, and purchasing of cannabis in the state.

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