Hydrologic Conditions (Streamflow, Groundwater)
Groundwater Monitoring Wells

Only about 5% of all water used in the Delaware River Basin comes from groundwater, but it is still important to track. The majority of the 5% is used for drinking water supply.

DRBC Publication

The United States Geological Survey has observation wells in each basin state. DRBC tracks conditions in these wells throughout the year.

USGS Groundwater Info

Groundwater Areas of Concern
Map of SEPA-GWPA & NJ Cristical Area 2 in the DRB.

There are two areas of the DRB that are included in special management programs to mitigate historical groundwater supply issues and prevent future stress.

Southeast Pennsylvania Groundwater Protected Area (SEPA-GWPA)

• Managed by DRBC on behalf of the Commonwealth of Pa.

• Area of 1,200 mi2 and 76 subbasins in southeastern Pa.

• Withdrawal limits established for each subbasin

DRBC Groundwater Well Data: view current levels in USGS monitoring wells in the Southeast Pa. Groundwater Protected Area 

• Learn More: SEPA-GWPA Information

New Jersey Critical Area 2

• Managed by New Jersey 

• Located in the Potomac-Raritan-Magothy (PRM) aquifer system in southwestern New Jersey 

• Withdrawals have decreased over time, putting less stress on the aquifer; reasons include improved water efficiency & a switch to using surface water

DRBC Groundwater Well Data: view current levels in USGS monitoring wells in New Jersey's Critical Area 2