Discretionary Grants

Discretionary grants are awarded to selected agencies to address specific education initiatives. New Jersey’s education needs are developed into program concepts that parallel the authorizing federal or state appropriation. The state and federal regulations are integrated into guidelines that govern the educational program at the subgrant level. Included in the guidelines is information regarding the federal regulations on participation of religiously affiliated (faith-based) and community-based organizations.

The NJDOE publishes the guidelines in the form of a Notice of Grant Opportunity (NGO). Each applicant is provided a comprehensive package designed to guide them through the grant making process. With the exception of grant programs that are designed to be implemented over a number of years, applicants usually compete for award annually.

  • If you are interested in pursuing a discretionary grant, click on "Available Grants" to see what is currently available and if you are eligible to apply.
  • If you are ready to apply for a discretionary grant, go to "Grant Applications" for the generic forms package and helpful information that may be used by eligible applicants.
  • If you already have a discretionary grant, go to "Grant Management" for assistance in managing your local project.

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