About the Office of Grants Management

The office provides assistance to Local Education Agencies (LEAs), other agencies and Department program offices through the establishment and maintenance of systems to plan for, acquire, award and manage grant funds in a fair and equitable manner to support initiatives that promote academic excellence, teacher and leader effectiveness, school innovation and choice, and accountability.

The office is responsible for three broad functions in support of an efficient, effective and accountable grants management system:

  1. Planning: working collaboratively with program offices to design subgrant programs that are consistent with the Department's goals and priorities;
  2. Subgrant implementation: supporting the implementation of individual grant projects to promote educational success; and
  3. Oversight and compliance: ensuring that the Department's grants management system, including the management of subgrant programs, will withstand the tests of audit and public scrutiny.

Phone: (609) 376-9089

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