College and Career Readiness: A Partnership between New Jersey High Schools and Community College

Division: Student Services and Career Readiness
Office: Supplemental Educational Programs


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Purpose: The College and Career Readiness: A Partnership between New Jersey High Schools and Community Colleges grant program is intended to better identify and ultimately better prepare- high school students who may not be able to succeed in college or career settings. This is a limited competitive grant program open to LEAs with Title I funded high schools who seek to expand existing partnerships with community colleges or create new partnerships that provide high-quality out-of-school time (OST) college an career readiness activities to low performing 11th and 12th grade students from these Title I funded high schools. This is a single year grant program. Eligible LEAs with Title-I funded high schools must meet the following three criteria to be eligible to apply: operation of a Title I program in their Title I funded high schools; have a minimum district poverty rate of 75 percent; and have a 2014 adjusted Cohort Four Year graduation rate below 78 percent. This grant program is funded using FY15 Title I carryover funds. Each applicant may apply for up to $250,000. It is anticipated that 6 awards may be made.The project period is September 1, 2015 - August 31, 2016.

Eligible Agencies: Partnerships consisting of a district with one or more Title I funded high schools and a New Jersey Community College.

Approximate Number of Awards: 6 Grant Program Type: Competitive
Total Amt. Available: $1,500,000 Application Due Date: 7/2/2015

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