Migrant Education Program-Year 3 of 5
Division: Learning Supports and Specialized Populations
Office: Supplemental Educational Programs
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Purpose: The purpose of the federal Migrant Education Program (MEP) is: (1) to ensure that eligible children of migratory farm workers and migratory fishers are provided with appropriate educational support services to help reduce the educational lags that result from repeated moves; and (2) to ensure that these children have the opportunity to meet the same challenging state educational content and student performance standards that all children are expected to meet. The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) has established a five-year program which focuses on the provision of the following services for eligible children of migratory farm workers and migratory fishers: identification and recruitment of students, the intrastate and interstate transfer of student records, supplemental instruction, and health and other support services. This is the second year of the multi-year grant program. Participation in the third year is limited to the two agencies selected through a competitive process in the first year.
Eligible Agencies: Essex County Regional Educational Services Commission and Gloucester County Special Services School District
Approximate Number of Awards: 2 | Grant Program Type: Continuation |
Total Amt. Available: $1,893,000 | Application Due Date: 10/15/2015 |