New Jersey Afterschool/Summer Program-Cohort 2

Division: Learning Supports and Specialized Populations
Office: Student Support Services


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Purpose: The New Jersey Afterschool/Summer Program-Cohort 2 is a state-funded grant program open to to national or statewide youth-serving organizations to expand existing afterschool/summer programs or to create new programs that offer high-quality, engaging out of school time (OST) activities to youth throughout New Jersey. These programs will increase students career and college readiness and increase positive student behavior while engaging parents through the provision of academic support and enrichment activities in at least one of the following areas: academic support, science, technology and math (STEM, career exploration and/or community service). The target population is students between the ages of 5-18. This is a nineteen (19) month grant program. Applicants may apply for up to $250,000. The single project period is February 1, 2016-August 31, 2017.

Eligible Agencies: National or Statewide, public or private youth serving organizations that have implemented an afterschool model with positive results

Approximate Number of Awards: 4 Grant Program Type: Competitive
Total Amt. Available: $1,000,000 Application Due Date: 11/12/2015

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