Future Ready NJ

Division: Innovation
Office: Educational Technology


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Purpose: The Future Ready NJ Grant is a FY16 state-funded grant program intended to support LEAs, Charter and Renaissance schools in implementing the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) online assessments in spring 2016. This grant program is designed to address two readiness factors for PARCC assessments: technology ready and digital learning. The implementation of a digital learning environment supports the implementation of the PARCC assessment. This grant supports increasing the capacity for digital learning readiness through mentoring partnerships between two LEAs (which include Charter and Renaissance schools). The partnerships will address the devices and infrastructure necessary for the implementation of the PARCC online assessments in 2016, support digital learning throughout all content areas so that students are increasing their technology literacy skills, and are comfortable with the digital tool(s) that they will be using for the assessments. The maximum award under this program is $250,000. Eligibility to apply for this Future Ready NJ Grant is limited to a partnership between two entities (a mentor and a mentee), which may consist of LEAs, Charter schools and/or Renaissance schools. The project period is March 1, 2016-August 31, 2016

Eligible Agencies: LEAs, Charter and Renaissance Schools who updated NJTRAx PARCC Readiness and completed and obtained a rating from the Future Ready gear assessment for Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment.

Approximate Number of Awards: 15 Grant Program Type: Competitive
Total Amt. Available: $1,000,000 Application Due Date: 12/8/2015

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