New Jersey Achievement Coaches Training Team Program
Office: Evaluation
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Purpose: The 2016 New Jersey Achievement Coaches Training Team Program is a state-funded initiative designed to empower many of New Jersey's outstanding educators to provide direct support to their peers through high quality training and resources through the development of high quality training modules. The three content focus areas are: Teacher Practice, Standards Alignment and Using Assessment Data to Drive Instruction. This grant program is offered in support of the companion grant program (2016 Achievement Coaches Program). This limited competitive grant program is open to LEAs that participated in the 2015 grant initiative in either the Achievement Coaches program, or the Achievement Coaches Content Developers program. An eligible LEA may apply to develop training modules on one of the three focus areas. The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) has established a 9 month grant program using state funds. Based on the availability of state resources, this seven month grant program will begin March 1, 2016 and end on November 30, 2016.
Eligible Agencies: LEAs who were competitively selected to participate in 2015
Approximate Number of Awards: 6 | Grant Program Type: Competive |
Total Amt. Available: $400,000 | Application Due Date: 12/9/2015 |