New Jersey Department of Education

NJ Charter Schools Grant Program-Expansion 1 Competitive FY 18

Division: Legal and External Affairs
Office: Charter Schools


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Purpose: The goal of the New Jersey Charter Schools Grant Program Expansion 1 FY18 Grant is to increase the number of seats in data driven highly effective and efficient Charter Schools. These expanded charter schools will promote high student academic achievement for all children, including those with special needs, and help them meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards. Eligible applicants will be selected through a competitive process in Year 1 and are schools that have met the criteria of "High Quality" and who received from the NJDOE an approved amendment or renewal charter to significantly expand their enrollment beyond the totals established in their initial charter. There are currently six (6) charter schools that meet this criteria. Eligible charter schools may apply for up to $150,000. Five (5) awards are expected to be made. The population served by this grant program consists of students in kindergarten through grade 12. This grant award is offered during a third no-cost extension of the federal award. This grant program has a six month grant period and will start August 1, 2017, and end January 31, 2018

Eligible Agencies: Charter Schools who have not previously received an Expansion Award

Approximate Number of Awards: 5 Grant Program Type: Competitive
Total Amt. Available: $750,000 Application Due Date: 5/11/2017

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