Building Teacher Leadership Capacity to Support Beginning Teachers-Year 3 of 3

Division: Talent and Performance
Office: Professional Development (Central)


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Purpose: The goal of the Building Teacher Leadership Capacity to Support Beginning Teachers Year 3 Grant is to continue to leverage the power of school-district-university partnerships to improve support for beginning teachers in New Jersey by training teacher leaders to be mentors who will then support beginning teachers. Through this program, it is expected that participating districts will improve student outcomes by building their capacity to improve beginning teacher practices, teacher retention and school culture. Eligible applicants were selected through a competitive process in Year 1 and were partnerships consisting of an institution of higher education (as the lead agency) and its division that prepares teachers and principals; a school of arts and sciences; and one or more LEAs and associated nonpublic schools. At least one of the LEAs must be a high need LEA. This program is funded through Title II-A under NCLB. The population served by this grant program consists of students in kindergarten through grade 12. This grant award is the second year of a two-year program. Year 3 is a ten month grant period and will start October 1, 2017, and end July 31, 2018.

Eligible Agencies: IHE Lead Agengies that received Awards in Year 2

Approximate Number of Awards: 6 Grant Program Type: Continuation
Total Amt. Available: $680,000 Application Due Date: 8/15/2017

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