NJ School Improvement Grant (SIG) Cohort 3-Year 4 of 5
Division: Learning Supports and Specialized Services
Office: Comprehensive Support
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Purpose: School Improvement Grants (SIG), are issued through State educational agencies (SEAs), to local educational agencies (LEAs) for use in Priority schools that demonstrate the greatest need for the funds and the strongest commitment to use the funds to provide adequate resources to raise substantially the achievement of their students in their lowest performing schools. Under the waiver from USDE, the term "Priority school" replaces the term Tier I and Tier II with respect to eligibility for this program. Priority schools are defined as among the lowest 5 percent of Title I schools in the state for the past three years, or any non-Title I school that would otherwise have met the same criteria. In each of the Priority schools an LEA chooses to serve, the LEA must implement one of four federal school intervention models: turnaround model, restart model, school closure, or transformation model. Eligibility for this SIG-Cohort 3 Year 4 continuation grant is limited to those LEAs with Priority schools that were selected through a competitive process in Year 1 and who made significant progress over the previous 3 year grant cycle. Continuation funding will be contingent upon application review and successful completion of the prior year project. The fourth project year for SIG-Cohort 3 is September 1, 2017-August 31, 2018
Eligible Agencies: Paterson Public Schools
Approximate Number of Awards: 2 | Grant Program Type: Continuation |
Total Amt. Available: $3,000,000 | Application Due Date: 6/22/2017 |