New Jersey Department of Education

New Jersey Afterschool Summer Program-Cohort 4-Competitive

Division: Learning Supports and Specialized Services
Office: Student Support Services


View Published NGO Document (Microsoft Word)

Purpose: The New Jersey Afterschool Summer Program-Cohort 4 is a SFY18 state-funded grant program open to any national or statewide public or private 501 (c)(3) youth serving organization, and 21st Century Community Learning Centers grantees not funded for the 2017-2018 academic year, excluding non-public schools, but limited to those that 1) implemented an after school program that has been evaluated and demonstrated positive results; and 2) have at least 4 years of experience operating an after school program; and 3) currently operate an afterschool and summer enrichment program serving NJ youth from low income families. These programs will: increase students� career and college readiness and increase positive student behavior while engaging parents. Programs must enhance educational experiences for students between the ages of 5 and 18 by providing targeted activities in at least one of the following areas: academic support, intervention and/or enrichment in any subject area, career exploration and/or community service. This is a ten (10) month grant program. Applicants may apply for up to $250,000. The single project period is November 1, 2017-August 31, 2018.

Eligible Agencies: Statewide Public or Private youth-serving organziation-see NGO

Approximate Number of Awards: 4 Grant Program Type: Competitive
Total Amt. Available: $1,000,000 Application Due Date: 8/24/2017

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