New Jersey Department of Education

Troops to Teachers: Pathway to Certification-Continuation

Division: Academics and Performance

Office:  Recruitment; Preparation and Induction

View Published NGO Document (Microsoft Word)


The purpose of the Troops to Teachers: Pathway to Certification NGO is to continue to recruit military veterans into the teaching profession, support the military veterans as they complete preparation programs and meet certification requirements. Support will include program entry and admissions guidance, academic advisement, successful navigation of the certification process and varied instructional delivery options. The grantee will partner with at least one high-needs school to provide clinical practice opportunities and opportunities for possible full-time teaching placements. The program should also consider district needs by intentionally recruiting military veteran teachers that may fill hard-to-staff positions.  

This is a 100 percent federally funded program using US Department of Defense – Troops to Teachers funds.   

This grant program is open to Rowan University, the applicant selected through a competitive process in year 1. 

The second project period for the Troops to Teachers Grant Program grant is July 1, 2020  June 30, 2021. 

Start Date: 7/1/2020 Anticipated # Awards: 1Total Funds Available: $100,000 

Eligible Agencies: Rowan University 

Approximate Number of Awards: 1 

Grant Program Type: Continuation 

Total Amt. Available: $100,000 

Application Due Date: 10/22/2020 

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