Engagement of Parents of Students with Disabilities-Year 1 of 4
Division: Educational Services
Office: Special Education
- Published NGO Document (Microsoft Word)
The Engagement of Parents of Students with Disabilities in Schools Year 1/4 Competitive grant program is focused on enhancing parent/caregiver’s engagement in the education of their students who are referred for or receiving special education services. This four (4) year grant program includes the development of family-school collaborative partnerships, increasing family access to resources, and expanding parent/caregivers’ participation in placement and program decisions and their ability to support academic, behavior, and social-emotional development. The grant program is in direct alignment with New Jersey’s State Plan for Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the New Jersey Tiered System of Supports (NJTSS) initiative, and the State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR), all of which strongly encourage increasing parent engagement in schools.
The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) has established a four-year grant program. This limited-competitive grant program is open to all New Jersey public or private agencies designed specifically to support the needs of parents and their children with disabilities from preschool through grade 12, including but not limited to not-for-profit agencies including parent organizations, organizations supporting individuals with disabilities, and community-based organizations. Local education agencies (LEAs) including Educational Service Commissions and Jointure Commissions are not eligible to apply.
Based on the availability of FY23 federal IDEA funds, this first year of this four-year grant program will begin October 1, 2022 and will end on June 30, 2023
Eligible Agencies: NJ public and private agencies
Approximate Number of Awards: 1 Grant Program Type: Competitive
Total Amt. Available: $300,000 Application Due Date: 9/01/2022