New Jersey Department of Education

Fiscal Year 2021: Federal Award Identification Numbers (FAIN)

Acronyms used in table:

  • 21st CCLC: 21st Century Community Learner Center
  • CARES: Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act
  • CFDA: Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
  • CTE: Career and Technical Education
  • IDEA: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
  • STOP School Violence: Students, Teachers, and Officers Preventing School Violence
Federal Grant Name CFDA Number FAIN Federal Award Date
Title I Grants (Title I-A) 84.010A S010A200030 7/1/20
Migrant Education 84.011A S011A200030 7/1/20
Neglected and Delinquent (Title I-D) 84.013A S013A200030 7/1/20
IDEA State Grants (Basic) 84.027A H027A200100 7/1/20
Vocational Education (Perkins) 84.048A V048A200030 7/1/20
IDEA State Grants (Preschool) 84.173A H173A200114 7/1/20
Education for Homeless Children and Youth 84.196A S196A200031 7/1/20
After School Learning Centers (21st CCLC) 84.287C S287C200030 7/1/20
English Language Acquisition (Title III) 84.365A S365A200030 7/1/20
Improving Teacher Quality State Grants (Title II-A) 84.367A S367A200029 7/1/20
State Assessments 84.369A S369A200031 7/1/20
Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants (Title IV) 84.424A S424A200031 7/1/20
CTE-Teacher Pathway Initiative 84.051D V051D170008 10/1/17
School Improvement Grants 84.377A S377A160031 7/1/16
State Personnel Development Grants 84.323A H323A160012 10/1/16
School-based Surveillance using YouthRisk Behavior System Survey and Survey of Lead Health Educators Profiles 93.079 NU87PS004329 8/1/18
S.T.O.P. School Violence 16.839 2018-YS-BX-0123 10/1/18
Non Title I CARES — CARES-Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSERF)
84.425D S425D200027 5/5/20
CARES Emergency Relief Grant CARES-Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSERF)
84.425D S425D200027 5/5/20
Digital Divide — CARES-ESSERF
84.425D S425D200027 5/5/20
Digital Divide — Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF)
21.019 SLT0007 8/26/20
Nonpublic Digital Divide — Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF)
21.019 SLT0007 8/26/20

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