U.S. Military Veterans and Spouses

Resources for Entering the Educator Workforce

The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) recognizes and values the personal and professional sacrifices made by our nation’s military connected families. This guidance is to be utilized as a tool to increase awareness on New Jersey legislation, programs, and resources created to assist U.S. military veterans and spouses interested in becoming a P-12 educator. The NJDOE is committed to ensuring all New Jersey students have access to a diverse teacher workforce which includes U.S. military veterans and spouses.

The state of New Jersey has passed various pieces of legislation aiming to reduce certification barriers for U.S. military veterans and spouses. The legislation below provides details on certification for military spouses and on utilizing military credit towards a degree.

C.18A:26-2.14, Teaching Certification for Certain Military Spouses

C.18A:26-2.14, necessitates the opportunity for active-duty military spouses who have relocated to New Jersey, to receive a temporary instructional certification. This law advised the State Board of Education to develop a temporary instructional certification. A nonresident active-duty U.S. military spouse may apply for a temporary instructional certificate that authorizes employment as a teacher in New Jersey in accordance with the eligibility requirements and process. This will authorize active-duty military spouses to be employed as a teacher by a board of education on a temporary basis while completing any specific additional requirements for an instructional certificate in New Jersey. In 2023, this legislation was codified in New Jersey Statutes Annotated (N.J.S.A.), 6A:9B-8.10. Like many other states who are already practicing these measures, we value the contributions of veterans and want to extend benefits to both active-duty military spouses and veterans where applicable.

C.18A:3B-42a Credit for Student’s Military Experience

C.18A:3B-42a, states that each public and independent institution of higher education, after taking into account and giving due consideration to the credit recommendation of the American Council on Education (ACE), shall accept and apply towards an undergraduate or graduate degree program appropriate credit for a student’s military experience, following an evaluation and determination by the institution that the credits are in alignment with appropriate courses and correspond to the degree being pursued at the institution. The institution may award a maximum of 30 credits for military experience towards an undergraduate degree or a maximum of 12 credits for military experience towards a graduate degree. The credit recommendation of ACE represents college-level equivalencies based on a review of workforce training, military training or occupations, and other sources of learning outside the college classroom. For more specific information on this legislation and what each school offers, please contact your desired New Jersey college or university.

Like many other states in our country, New Jersey offers support to U.S. military veterans and spouses who apply for educator certification. This includes:
• Expedited review of certification application;
• Fee waiver for initial certification application (one endorsement only) 6A:9B-5.6;
• Military liaison to help navigate the certification process.

On the application, please be sure you check the appropriate box to identify your military status. When you submit your application, you will receive a checklist detailing the documentation you must send in to complete the application and verify your military status. Applicants are required to submit a copy of both sides of their valid military identification card and/or their DD214. If you have questions, please feel free to contact our military liaison at military@doe.nj.gov.

Joint Service Transcript

A Joint Service Transcript (JST) is an academically accepted document approved by the American Council on Education (ACE) to validate a service members military occupational experience and training along with the corresponding ACE college credit recommendations. A JST provides a description of military schooling and work history in civilian language and can save time and money by awarding academic credits at colleges and universities. All enlisted, officers and warrant officers, both active and veterans from all Army components, Coast Guard, Marine Corps and Navy may go to the Joint Services Transcript webspage for more information. Enlisted, officers and warrant officers, both active and veterans of the Air Force, should contact Community College of the Air Force to receive transcripts.

Military Service Credit

Veterans enrolled in a New Jersey college or university may receive college credit for military service and training. Depending upon the institution, enrolled students will need to submit documentation such as a joint service transcript, a Community College of the Air Force transcript, or a DD214 to the appropriate university office for review. After documentation is reviewed, students may receive credit for their years of service, and/or receive transfer academic credit for their military experience, prior education, certifications, and training. For an accurate description of what each institution offers, please visit their respective website for more information.

  • Information for Military Families and Veterans:A variety of resources from the U.S. Department of Education.
  • Financial Aid for Military Families: Special financial aid programs are available for serving in the military or for being the spouse or child of a veteran. Source of aid comes from the Federal Student Aid office of the U.S. Department of Education.
  • New Jersey Education Association (NJEA) Patriots Alliance: NJEA Patriots Alliance is a community within the association for members to discuss ways to help your schools, your community, and each other succeed. It’s a place to find resources that can help you coordinate your medical benefits with the VA, help answer your pension questions, and share bargaining language that recognizes your military service.

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