Find Local Assistance
GetCoveredNJ has a network of trained professionals who can help you enroll at no cost. You can find a certified Assister or Broker in your area who can guide you through the application and help you find the right plan.
Navigators are trained and certified individuals who can provide free assistance in-person or remotely.
Assisters are trained and certified individuals who can provide free over-the-phone and in-person help to consumers shopping for health coverage on GetCoveredNJ.
Agents and Brokers
Agents and Brokers are licensed in New Jersey and are trained and registered by the Marketplace. They are generally paid by insurance companies whose plans they sell. They are required to act in a consumer’s best interest and can refer consumers for Medicaid/CHIP help.
Find Local AssistanceReady to talk to an expert?
Locate an assister near you now, it’s free! To begin, navigate to and click the Help & Support Menu, then choose “Find Local Assistance:”
Next, choose whether to search for a New Jersey Certified Agent or Broker or New Jersey Certified Assister near you:
For Agents/Brokers, you can search by location (i.e. Zip code and distance), or if you know the name of your Agent/Broker you can search by their First/Last Name or Company Name:
For Assisters, you can search by location (i.e. Zip code and distance), or you can search for an organization by name:
Open Enrollment for 2025 coverage is here! Find quality, affordable health insurance now.
Open Enrollment is in effect until January 31, 2025. Compare health and dental plans now and see if you qualify for savings.
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