The Department is made up of three primary branches - Public Health Services, Health Systems, and Integrated Health - which include divisions, offices, and programs. Each aspect of the Department works collaboratively to strengthen New Jersey's health system.
The Department is supported by 5,500 employees with a combined State/Federal budget of $2 billion.
- Animal Welfare
- Autism
- Cancer
- Chief State Medical Examiner
- Childhood Lead
- Chronic Disease
- Communicable Disease
- Community Health & Wellness
- Consumer Health
- Diversity and Equity
- Drug Safety
- Delivery System Reform Incentive Program (DSRIP)
- Early Intervention
- Emergency Medical Services
- Emergency Preparedness
- End of Life
- Environmental Health
- Ethics
- Family Health
- Food Safety
- Grant Opportunities'
- Harm Reduction Centers
- Health Care Financing
- Health Care Quality
- Health Facilities Evaluation
- Health Facilities Licensing
- Health IT
- Health Statistics
- Healthy New Jersey
- Human Resources
- Immunization
- Integrated Health
- Legal and Regulatory
- Local Public Health
- Long Term Care Resiliency
- Management and Administration
- Maternal and Child Health
- Minority and Multicultural Health
- Occupational Health
- Opioid Data Dashboard
- Population Health
- Primary Health Care
- Public Health Laboratories
- Public Health and Food Protection Program
- Recovery Office
- Special Child Health & Early Intervention
- State Psychiatric Hospitals
- Suicide Prevention
- Syringe Access Program
- Tobacco Control
- Tuberculosis
- Vaccine Preventable Disease Program
- Veterinary Public Health
- Vital Records