To apply to become a certified asbestos training provider, your application must include the following items:
- Initial Application for Asbestos Training Agency Certification (EHS-4)
- Asbestos Training Course Proposal Checklist (EHS-39)
- Exam Administration Policy and Procedures for Asbestos Training Providers
- Application for Approval as a NJ Asbestos Course Instructor (EHS-15)
- Facility Inspection Worksheet-Asbestos (ASB-26)
All training providers must have a pre-commencement inspection done of their facility prior to its use as a training facility. This checklist indicates the items which must be present at the time of that inspection.
Note: This checklist is provided merely as an example of what will be required to be present at a training facility and is not required to be submitted as part of the initial application. - Sample of Attendance Record [pdf 12k]
- A non-refundable application fee of $500 (certified check, money order or e-payment) for each discipline, must be included with application.